I'm trying to think through this... here are some notes I wrote to myself...

_Was the burning legs on September 6th, 2019 my first sign of ALS? If so, why was EMG of legs normal even when they EMG’d my most symptomatic leg and after I had had symptoms for two months? If my legs were already being affected by ALS, why are they not weak still today after four months? I could definitely go outside and run a mile right now._

_If that was not the first sign of ALS then I must conclude the finger twitching is, leading me to the conclusion that the legs burning set me on a fear of ALS, which I didn’t have at the time, but then just months later I really did develop ALS which manifested in my fingers?_

_*If I answer that the legs were part of the ALS, I am left with no answer for why they are not weak, which is the hallmark of ALS. If I answer that they were not part of the ALS, I am left to conclude that I coincidentally really did develop ALS just months after I began fearing it, which seems absurd.*_