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Thread: Carnivores diet

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Carnivores diet

    Hi Joe, I hear what you're saying and it's logical to suspect commercial diets of wanting their customers to keep returning for further dieting sessions. Anyway it's looking like Mrs F won't be able to continue for the reasons I mentioned. The Slimming World diet tends to push you towards high fibre foods, fruit and veg etc that she can't digest with her Crohns disease. She's had a lot of pain and now bleeding.

    We weren't going to weekly meetings as we can't afford it. However I'm going to keep on with trying to lose weight by choosing to eat healthier food and smaller portions, I really have to do something.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Carnivores diet

    Quote Originally Posted by fishman65 View Post
    Hi Joe, I hear what you're saying and it's logical to suspect commercial diets of wanting their customers to keep returning for further dieting sessions. Anyway it's looking like Mrs F won't be able to continue for the reasons I mentioned. The Slimming World diet tends to push you towards high fibre foods, fruit and veg etc that she can't digest with her Crohns disease. She's had a lot of pain and now bleeding.

    We weren't going to weekly meetings as we can't afford it. However I'm going to keep on with trying to lose weight by choosing to eat healthier food and smaller portions, I really have to do something.
    There should be solutions out there for people with Crohns. Doesn't Nic have that? She might know.

    Diets tend to fail because they are unreasonable and people's expectations are too. Many just want to blast some flab off to get into their bikini (would that be a mankini for you? ) but they will just yo-yo. Aside from commercial diets making money there are plenty out there latching onto fads who are no different so you take from what can from them.

    Reduce portion size, look at what's in your food (I love porridge but instant oats in those pots tend to have a higher sugar content even if they say no added sugar whereas bagged don't) and look to your habits. Look at what you do each day because people think it's all about hitting the gym. They don't seem to realise just how many calories digging in the garden burns, sweeping up and collecting leaves or cleaning tiles & cupboards. It's all a workout and will help you burn off amounts here and there without you realising. Just adding weight to your walks will start burning more too.

    Weight you take off slowly can stay off because you get there through a commitment to regular change. People burning off 20lbs for the beach tend to put it back no again as they haven't worked out it's about living better rather than quick wins. I've lost over 15lbs and now it's slow. But I've put on muscle too from being more active and my fat %'s are only going down. It's not quick but it's staying off. I could change a lot more of my diet around for quicker results and not eat things I like but since I doubt I need to lose more than 5lbs now anyway it's something I can work towards with more exercise and keeping my diet stable.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #33
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    Re: Carnivores diet

    I'd like to thank you guys for helping to push me in the right direction. The Slimming World diet conked out after barely a week, but I've managed to lose 12lbs since 8th November by cutting out junk. I've kept up the walking though did have a spell when my right knee was playing up and had to reduce the pace. I've also put a stop to the 'mirtazapine inspired' midnight snacking. Of course Christmas is going to be the big challenge as ever it is...
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Carnivores diet

    Quote Originally Posted by fishman65 View Post
    I'd like to thank you guys for helping to push me in the right direction. The Slimming World diet conked out after barely a week, but I've managed to lose 12lbs since 8th November by cutting out junk. I've kept up the walking though did have a spell when my right knee was playing up and had to reduce the pace. I've also put a stop to the 'mirtazapine inspired' midnight snacking. Of course Christmas is going to be the big challenge as ever it is...
    Great news, fishman! That's a big loss.

    I've found Christmas tends to just halt any losses and you add a few pounds back on but they quicker drop back of again later. If you keep active during this time you may even just stay pretty static which is no big deal as you will soon get back into losing again a few weeks into the new year.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #35
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    Re: Carnivores diet

    Thanks Terry, it does feel good to be going in the right direction. I think you're right about Christmas, but I'll view it as a blip that may buck the trend. I've learnt now that I can lose weight without being on a diet just by changing my habits. It can be tough when anxiety is active, that's where comfort eating rears its head but I have to do this
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Carnivores diet

    I think psychologically it's important to remember that we are physiologically designed to gain and lose weight depending on available resources.

    If you put on 10lbs in December it's fine, as long as the eating habits don't become habitual and turn into a lardy arse. Like mine.

  7. #37
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    Re: Carnivores diet

    Exactly, fishman. Diets fail because people do them for quick fix to get on the beach. Then they just slowly pile the pounds on because they never adjusted their daily routine to match what they need to eat vs expend.

    What I will say is there does come a point where it all slows down when it comes to reducing portion size and watching what you eat. I'm there now and it needs to be about more exercise on a regular basis because I need to work harder. I'm still seeing losses but they are very slow and that's because I'm only a pound or two above the waist size I should be. But I want to lose an inch or two under that yet and that means hitting the cardio more and starting a proper weight training programme (that I keep putting off) as opposed to daily grafting (and the gardening work dries up now anyway).

    I agree with Joe too. Losing weight is harder anyway during the colder months when the body moves more into a survival mode wanting more fat.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #38
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    Re: Carnivores diet

    Thanks to you both for your input. I've managed to put three quarters of a pound back on somehow, that's one of the pitfalls where I'm concerned. Whether its through subconsciously thinking 'job done' or simply resting on my laurels I don't know. I think weighing myself less would be better as my morale is influenced by what the scales tell me.

    I've also not been walking the last two days due to Xmas shopping. So I was thinking about resistance exercise. Does this mean resisting chocolate, cakes and biscuits? As its been years since I did press-ups, I've started on a kind of semi press-up by bracing my hands against the kitchen work top. With feet together and legs placed about 45 degrees to the work top, I push myself back and forth so my face is nearly touching the work top and then back up. In case you think I've lost it, I thought this would be a good start before moving on to press-ups proper. I can remember I used to do 70 press-ups straight off when I was 18, ditto sit-ups and 30 chin-ups. Being 54 now I don't want to give myself a hernia or anything.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Carnivores diet

    Yeah, that's definately one hard form of resistance - no more muffins! Do what the "celebs" do with their "carbon offsetting" (fly anyway but plant a tree when you land so you feel better about yourself) which in exercise terms would be like this...

    Another way to do push ups would be on your knees. This is a good way to work towards a full one.

    I wouldn't worry about a very small weight gain, it cold just be some water weight or because of what you have eaten. It only matters that you see a constant trend downward. Weight varies by 4-5lbs across the day due to what you eat, not having a poo, time of the day weighed, etc. I always do the same time (when I wake up and having been to the toilet first and not eaten) to get the best idea. Also beware clothes which add weight. The minute you start eating that day you will be heavier.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  10. #40
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    Re: Carnivores diet

    Yeah you really have to go slow with the resistance training to start with. It's actually the joints and ligaments that need propping up first rather than the muscles themselves. The wall push ups are a great start, and you could then progress on to knee press ups when you feel ready. You might also find getting a couple of resistance bands useful to do other kinds of exercises too, and perhaps try a bit of yoga.

    I started weight training again last year and did too much too soon. My ego had me buying an incline bench and pressing 30kg per arm (nothing in historical terms). The problem was my body wasn't ready. Physically it was easy, but my joints didn't like it at all and I messed up my right shoulder a little bit and even now it still twinges. The lesson I learned was that at our age, injury can happen weight before strength or ego run out.

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