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Thread: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Hi everyone,
    i ate and drank a bit late tonight and my heart is going ten to a dozen im trying to distract myself soming on here hoping you guys are around to chat.
    thanks PH

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    I always regret eating late at night, too. Always seems like a great idea at the time!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Still having a really really bad day it’s awful. I’ve got a tingly little finger I had a panic in the corner shop I’ve been crying in my mums arms I can’t cope at all

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Hey Phoenixess, it's probably best to knock the alcohol on the head for a bit and deal with the mental health first. It's rough, and I honestly feel your pain, I go through it often.

    Think about it this way. At present you have a mental health issue that I assume you're working on improving (if not please do speak to your doctor). Your brain is in an incorrect state.

    There's things you can do to help the mental health such as exercise, eating regular and well, keeping hydrated, practicing meditation etc.

    There's also things you can do to make your mental health problem worse such as alcohol, drugs, stress, etc.

    Right now you've got mental health brain. So you need to work on treating mental health brain and giving it all the right things it needs to do its job well. I quit alcohol because I was an alcoholic and my situation was different. But many times I'd wake up with a hangover feeling exponentially worse the next day or 2. Hangovers are the worst with anxiety.

    Curl up in bed with some lucozade, water, and a bag of Doritos. Put something on Youtube or Netflix and ride it out. It will pass. It's just anxiety because you're worried about how you're feeling due to the way the hangover is making you feel.

    If you can stomach food melted cheese on toast worked for me to lessen the hangover effects. A greasy fryup, or sandwich also work. I don't know how, but it does.
    Last edited by WiredIncorrectly; 09-11-19 at 15:04.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Seconding James on this one: when my stomach's acting up from anxiety, a fry-up works wonders.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Hi guys, I think I used to cope with my anxiety by drinking wine but I wasn’t connected to it that I realised what I was doing. in the summer I gave it up for 8/9 weeks and that’s when this all began to get worse and I’ve not been the Same since, I can’t touch wine but I have a vodka heart and there, it’s coming up to my birthday so I’d like to have one on my birthday but I can happily cut it out again and hope it makes an improvement I gave it up for a few weeks again last month and found no shift.
    Eaten some cheese and onion rolls and melted monzerella sticks at my grans. Hoping I stay calm now for the rest of the day.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenixess View Post
    Hi guys, I think I used to cope with my anxiety by drinking wine but I wasn’t connected to it that I realised what I was doing. in the summer I gave it up for 8/9 weeks and that’s when this all began to get worse and I’ve not been the Same since, I can’t touch wine but I have a vodka heart and there, it’s coming up to my birthday so I’d like to have one on my birthday but I can happily cut it out again and hope it makes an improvement I gave it up for a few weeks again last month and found no shift.
    Eaten some cheese and onion rolls and melted monzerella sticks at my grans. Hoping I stay calm now for the rest of the day.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Exactly the same situation as me down to a T. The reason why I am struggling a year and half after quitting alcohol is because it was my social crutch. The anxiety is masked and when you remove the crutch it's back to square one. Actually I should have said you end up at square -100. I believe it takes a long time to recover from this to learn to deal anxiety and life without the alcohol.

    Feel free not to answer this question but how much do you drink? And do you drink daily to help with anxiety? It doesn't have to be from when you wake up. Maybe a bottle of wine at night or something. Because that was me. Except it got out of a control at some points and I was drinking more than 4 cans of beer a night. My 6pm drinking time change to 3pm. While I wasn't waking up drinking, I was drinking daily, and using it to deal with anxiety. So I had no option but to stop if I wanted any chance of getting better.

    It was hard. But, worth it. I still have anxiety, but at least I don't have to deal with the alcohol problem anymore.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    So annoyed I’d started to type a reply and lost it.
    So this is a shorter version....
    No I have never drank every day, I used to only drink wine here and there with occasional binges once or twice a week. When I gave up the wine and cigarettes I unleaded the demonic side of my anxiety as I literally feel like I’m possessed.

    It began when I still wasn’t drinking or smoking and had a hospital admission with my first mega untriggered panic then from that things spiralled. I tried to drink wine again but I have become mega intolerant/allergic and now I’ve had the odd vodka here and there. I’m thinking of knocking that on the head again. I’m just devastated, I used to live alone be independent now I live with my mum and things are this debilitating! I’m literally breaking, in still not brave enough to try sertraline.

    I’m panicking about the heart monitor on Monday, I just can’t get the nerve to manage anything. I know I am not the only one but this just feels super unfair as an illness to any of us! No one deserves this.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Cried in church this morning felt awful, just fed up of pains down my left side

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Hey guys having a very bad episode right now

    Had a better day yesterday after crying in church but I’ve just had the most severe nightmare of my life. I dreamt I was internally bleeding and the doctor kept saying to me can I see my brain heomorrage and then in a and e in my dream thee was a man on a trolly bleeding from his head convulsing on a trolley. I’m in floods of tears convinced I never want to leave my bed ever again right now

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