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Thread: Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

  1. #1

    Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

    Hey guys,

    So about two weeks ago my EX asked me to bring stuff down from her attic, I did so, and hung out up there cleaning up for her for a bit.
    I did not see a bat, or felt a bat, there is no indication of a bat... But I just cant shake the feeling that I might have been bit by a bat.

    Either that, or a few months ago I pet our neighbors skittish dog and she " kissed " me on the hands, I didnt have a cut or open sore, but Ive read the rabies can enter you like that.

    I also used to live in the woods up until 8 months ago, God only knows if a bat bit me in my sleep at that time.
    I feel like ive had numerous chances for exposure.

    But no bites/scratches as far as I can remember or tell.

    Yet now Im having most of the symptoms, feeling anxious, out of it, sore throat, muscle aches, etc.

    Im panicking.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

    This is ridiculous, completely.

    You're stressed, which can easily cause the sensations you describe.

    Repeat after me: Bats are not ninjas.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  3. #3

    Re: Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    This is ridiculous, completely.

    You're stressed, which can easily cause the sensations you describe.

    Repeat after me: Bats are not ninjas.

    Deep down I know how absurd this might all sound, but what if I was bit without my knowledge sometime in the last ten years?

    I read that one case had an 25 year incubation period, we had a bat flapping about outside 2 years ago, what if he was able to get to me?

    Or what if that dog who licked me just happened to have it?

    It's nerve racking.

  4. #4
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    Nov 2009

    Re: Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

    Bats don't just leap on people without them knowing and then sneak away - there would be pain, bite marks and you would be VERY aware that you'd been bitten from seeing the bat attached to your body for starters and the evidence afterwards. So,
    without my knowledge
    is just not possible! If I were you I would read some of the many many threads about people fearing bat bites and rabies on this forum - it is a VERY common fear and the replies people have had from members should give you lots to think about.

  5. #5

    Re: Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

    Thank you guys.

    I'm driving my family nuts with this fear, nobody recalls me complaining of any kind of animal exposure or bite, but I just feel like I'm missing something.

  6. #6
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    Re: Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

    Quote Originally Posted by Jadex9 View Post
    Thank you guys.

    I'm driving my family nuts with this fear, nobody recalls me complaining of any kind of animal exposure or bite, but I just feel like I'm missing something.
    I do NOT think you've been exposed...


    I actually think it would be good for you to get to a point of accepting that, yes, there is a chance you missed something and those are just the breaks. I know, for myself, part of the emotional turmoil is internalizing my sense of failure, that if I get a disease it's because I am a failure, I failed, etc etc etc.

    If you accept that, yes, shit happens and there are no guarantees but that you have done what is medically indicated, then you can release yourself from the panic and fear. You have taken all the steps to take care of yourself. You described your interaction with an animal (in this case, flying over head, kissing your hand, and completely imagined in the attic), and you followed medical protocol which, in situations like that, is: THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT OR DO.

    Stop talking about it, stop going to doctors about it, stop asking family members for what they remember. Accept that risk is never zero, and all people live with that circumstance every single day.

    Getting to a place of acceptance is what gets me through HA. And, I do get what you're going through. I have a bat story that would probably make your hair stand on end and I had to put acceptance into action, and it did release me from the fear state I was like paralyzed in after the exposure I and my family had. We have no choice but to accept that we are part of nature, we interface with it, and sometimes it takes us out, and that is just the way it is. I stopped obsessing and could live with the medical decision made (one family member got the shots, the rest of us did not even though there was a small chance of exposure) after I truly got to a point of accepting my place in nature.

  7. #7
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    Re: Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

    Ok... Let me put this another way. Do you believe "Star Wars" actually happened?

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  8. #8
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    Re: Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    Ok... Let me put this another way. Do you believe "Star Wars" actually happened?

    Positive thoughts
    Why, of course it did! Don't ask silly questions, Fish

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  9. #9
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    Re: Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

    You're still worried after the ER doc told you to get a life?
    I'm still a work in progress.
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  10. #10
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    Re: Think Im dying of the Rabies ( Have symptoms. )

    Read venusbluejeans Avatar
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