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Thread: Spotting between periods

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Spotting between periods

    Yes I know you are so right but stupid health anxiety always plays games with my mind. I need to focus on what the doctor said rather than making my own stupid assumptions. The doctor knows what she is talking about I have no idea about this at all so why do I think I'm such an expert lol. I'm still keeping track of the bleeding episodes. I was just so upbeat with having 7 days of no bleeding for it to then happen again just made me feel a bit rubbish.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Spotting between periods

    Literally getting to the point where I want to ask to have all of my reproductive organs out :( I don't want them if they are going to cause me this much anxiety with this stupid blood. I honestly can't take it its ruining my life. I havent had any sex with my partner for months because of it. I've had 7 days of no bleeding this month and the rest has been bloody in some way, shape or form. I have to go back to my doctor next month to tell show her my diary and then I hope to god something gets done I still have the fear of it being something more sinister than ectropian or a hormonal in balance but I'm trying to put faith in my doctor knowing what shes doing as she's the expert. It's just very stressful to see blood when i wipe. It seems to start off red or pink then eventually goes into brown its almost like a period pattern but just not a heavy flow. No blood drips out its only when I wipe and mixed in with my normal vaginal discharge.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Spotting between periods

    Anyone have any words of reassurance?

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Spotting between periods

    Hiyer, I know how distressing it can be and was a right bundle of anxiety and stress about my imbalance (which is for different reasons to you as later in life, but same outcome with symptoms). We are taught to look for the abnormal and when things become what we think are abnormal then the very sight of blood, even in small amounts, can bring about despondency. I will say to you though - the sort of pattern you are referring to I have personally had many times over the years and with certain hormones incorrectly aligned it is very possible indeed. I believe your GP is right about keeping a diary and coming back to talk. I recognise exactly your description, and I'm far from alone too as I looked this up when mine first started. NOW - with you, being young, they can get it sorted (if it doesn't gradually sort itself). My advice would be acceptance - as I am certain a few times I caused mine to be slightly worse/longer by producing stress hormones. If you were to go on a perimenopause site, you'd find thousands and thousands of people talking about the same and bemoaning it, which is reassuring for me, but because you are young and the cause is different you aren't surrounded by people in a similar situation. I just did a quick search of spotting and bleeding after giving birth, and came up with various forums where it was talked about by many many women - worse than yours and for longer. Maybe itd be reassuring to you if you did some searches, NOT googling for problems associated with spotting and light bleeding, but forum searches (I don't know what you pregnant/young mums use ?) on those who have experienced the same ? It seems surprisingly common in those who have had babies. I had the opposite 'problem', I had 12 months after giving birth with no period at all and I wasn't breast feeding! Just depends how those hormones pan out and minor changes inside your body can make huge differences in cycle.

    I'm afraid theres no point wishing 'everything taken out'. That won't be done under these circumstances, when there are explanations and many treatments that are non-invasive. Hysterectomy is a big operation, with a long recovery time, and apart from the risks and complications that exist for any surgery, it leads to its own issues afterwards particularly for those who are younger. No doctor is going to put you forward for that under these circumstances, and I know plenty who have daily serious bleeding for months who have had to try everything before being offered hysterectomy.

    It'll be sorted, really, more patience is needed !
    Last edited by Carys; 17-01-20 at 10:17.

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Spotting between periods

    Thank you so much Carys I really needed that reply. I think I just have down days and then start overthinking and going into a huge panic. I've started doing things to distract myself which is working because I'm not thinking of it as much. Today there is no blood when I wipe only a small amounts of my discharge have a pale brown colour I'm presuming old blood. My period is due soon and I'm actually looking forward to it because its normal to me lol.

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Spotting between periods

    So I have been keeping track of my irregular bleeding since january 2nd as asked by my doctor I plan to go back to her on the 2nd march to discuss the next steps. Here is what I've tracked since the start of the bleeding in November:

    First period after pregnancy 11th October until 17th October
    Period 3rd Nov until 11th November
    4 days later on the 15th November blood in discharge or when wiping only lasted 5 days until 18th November.
    Period 1st December until 8th December
    4 days later blood from 12th December all the way until next period on the 27th December.
    Had ultrasound 31st December all clear
    Period from 27th December until 2nd December.
    7 days later blood when wiping in discharge again
    Blood when wiping all the way up until next period on 22nd Jan until 27th jan 2 days heavy flow.
    Had sex on the 28th jan the morning 29th
    Jan after some pink tinged discharge not sure if clean out from period on previous day. Later on normal clear discharge
    30th Jan normal clear discharge
    28th to 1st Feb clear discharge but on 1st in afternoon after bath had some blood in discharge clear and blood streaked so 4 days later again after period. Had sex that night.
    2nd Feb had clear discharge but one episode of pinky orange coloured discharge
    3rd Feb ovulation day clear dischargr
    4th Feb all day clear discharge. Had bath in evening and after that when I wiped discharge was pink blood streaked. Had sex that night but no blood after sex
    5th Feb in morning discharge was pink streaked.

    I do see a pattern and I'm currently waiting for my next period to come in a weeks time. I think after that period the picture will be clearer for me to report back to my doctor. I'm still very scared and have alot of anxiety but I've not let it rule my life as much. I've carried on as normal and I try to forget about it but of course the worry is always there at the back of my mind. I keep telling myself I've had a clear smear in 2018 I've had a clear ultrasound and my doctors examined my cervix and said it looked healthy apart from some ectropian. My doctor didnt seem concerned or rushed me for any tests Ive had a clear chlamydia test. My doctor telling me it's hormonal or ectropian. These are all the things that are keeping me sane currently. I just hope it's nothing to worry about.

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Spotting between periods

    Since the 6th February up until now I have had normal clear discharge even when I've had sex with my partner. My period is due in 2 days. After having a bath this evening I went to the toilet about half an hour later and when I wiped there was a tiny streak of blood very tiny I'm hoping this is just something to do with my period coming because that's happened to me before and then the next day or the day after my period generally begins but because of all this other weird bleeding I've been having it's scaring me again when I was starting to have a bit of hope after not having any bleeding for a good couple of weeks. I have to wait and see what happens after my next period I'm hoping I don't bleed anymore and I go back to normal clear discharge. I'm hoping this was all just a blip of some kind with my hormones. I go back to my doctor in March to update her on my diary I've been keeping on the bleeding. I keep telling myself surely if it was something sinister it would be much worse and would stop and start. Just wish i could go back to being me again and enjoy life I feel this has really ruined the first half of my new babies life I haven't been able to enjoy him as much as I've wanted with all the uncertainty over my head although he's made life bearable and kept me distracted much of the time. I just want to be a happy mum not one with the weight of the world on her shoulders scared to do anything :(

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Spotting between periods

    OK well I'm an idiot it was just my period starting ��

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Spotting between periods

    Still getting the blood in discharge and when wiping. I'm so fed up of it all now. When I don't have it I get so happy and upbeat and think yes everything is back to normal to then seeing blood and I feel like crying. I'm still keeping a record of the episodes. I don't know what to think about any of this. I'm scared I have something really wrong and nobody is taking it seriously. My doctor was not concerned about it but surely its not normal. I've never experienced this before after having my other two babies but with my new baby my body seems to have gone mad.

    This is my record so far.

    First period after pregnancy 11th October until 17th October
    Period 3rd Nov until 11th November
    4 days later on the 15th November blood in discharge or when wiping only lasted 5 days until 18th November.
    Period 1st December until 8th December
    4 days later blood from 12th December all the way until next period on the 27th December.
    Had ultrasound 31st December all clear
    Period from 27th December until 2nd December.
    7 days later blood when wiping in discharge again
    Blood when wiping all the way up until next period on 22nd Jan until 27th jan 2 days heavy flow.
    Had sex on the 28th jan the morning 29th
    Jan after some pink tinged discharge not sure if clean out from period on previous day. Later on normal clear discharge
    30th Jan normal clear discharge
    28th to 1st Feb clear discharge but on 1st in afternoon after bath had some blood in discharge clear and blood streaked so 4 days later again after period. Had sex that night.
    2nd Feb had clear discharge but one episode of pinky orange coloured discharge
    3rd Feb ovulation day clear dischargr
    4th Feb all day clear discharge. Had bath in evening and after that when I wiped discharge was pink blood streaked. Had sex that night but no blood after sex
    5th Feb in morning discharge was pink streaked.
    6th Feb until the 16th clear discharge
    13th Feb had sex clear discharge after
    however on the 16th in the evening after a bath there was a tiny blood streak in discharge (2 days before period is due)
    17th Feb discharge had a slight orangey pink hue to it. Period came 17th Feb until 23rd Feb.
    24th Feb clear discharge
    25th Feb clear discharge
    26th Feb clear discharge (had sex in night)
    27th pinky blood discharge in morning rest of the day was normal clear discharge
    28th Feb all morning clear discharge at midday had blood in discharge (ovulation day)
    29th Feb had pinky blood in discharge
    1st March in morning when wiping more bloody discharge and pink when wiping.

    Really wish I could draw a line under all of this and get on with my life but I feel like it's on hold until I get a clear answer.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Spotting between periods

    I've noticed the blood is coming each time at ovulation. I'm presuming that's what it is now. I don't even feel like I can go doctors now with all this Coronavirus stuff going on :(

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