Last week I was getting a funny pain in my lower leg. I tried to ignore my anxiety worrying whether it was a DVT but I ended up in a right mess yesterday. At my lunch break at work I felt a bit tight chested so I panicked and checked my pulse and it was racing. I immediately thought it's a blood clot that's gone to my lung. My resting heart rate is between around 62 - 74 and yesterday for the whole afternoon it was around 80. It never came down. It went down to about 70 after a couple of hours of being home. I went to see my dr today who I trust. I explained it all and she measured my legs etc. no sign of a DVT plus no risk factors not concerned. I told her about my racey heart and she listened and said it is going faster than average but chest is clear. She said almost certain no blood clot on my lung.

I'm in work now but still really anxious and on edge. I work in a medical negligence law firm so I read all sorts and just last week a report on a misdiagnosed blood clot and he presented with a fast heart rate!

My chest still feels uncomfortable and I have some pain in my upper back and I kept feeling as though I needed to take a deep breath. Does this sound like anxiety? I'm not short of breath but it feels an effort to breathe but I've had a similar thing when I've been anxious before. My heart rate is still raised and that's what's worrying me in case it's because there's an underlying problem. I keep checking it and it doesn't calm down. For background I am about stressed at the moment. I've just returned to work after 10 months maternity leave and it's a long day and stressful commute. Plus my baby wakes up 2 - 3 times during the night so I'm getting little sleep.

I think what I'm asking is, can all these pains and my fast heartbeat be anxiety? Can my fast pulse be sustained if I'm still anxious even if it feels like I've tried to calm myself down?
