After 8 years living in one of the absolute worst areas of my town, me and my husband finally got a n offer of a council flat and we accepted. We moved in a couple of days ago and thankfully had a week or so beforehand to decorate and move things in bit by bit so it felt more like 'home'.

My anxiety, panics and compulsions have been sky high recently not just due to this but also other things like ESA/PIP reviews, family members health etc but right now all I can think about is this new flat. I know some of the anxiety I'm feeling will be normal under the circumstances but me being me, my anxiety goes to level 5000 so easily.

I'm paranoid about how noise me, my husband and cats are making mainly. In the last place, it was noisy constantly from bad neighbours, trouble makers wondering into the block, traffic outside etc but it is so quiet here in this new area and I only have one person below me and no one on top. The last thing I'd ever want to be is a bad neighbour as I know all too well what it's like to live with bad neighbours.

Every time of my cats jump off the bed to the floor for example, I jump in fear over "omg what if the neighbour downstairs heard that?! Omg what if he can't put up with it for much longer and reports me to the council and I lose my cats?!" And I'm sure you can imagine the rest of the thoughts. In our main room we have mega creaky floorboards in every single area that are so loud in our flat, I dread to think how bad they are to hear downstairs. This makes me dread every step I or my husband make. All our floors are carpeted but still I try and walk around like a mouse wherever I can but sometimes the more quiet you try to be, the louder you end up being.

Have any of my fellow anxiety sufferers felt worries like this beyond the 'normal' worries people might fear when in a new home? I love this flat and I want this to be our long lasting home.