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Thread: Having bad time

  1. #1

    Having bad time

    After decent break from this curse now back big time. I had been on Sertraline for about 9 months which seemed like a magic cure, very little anxiety just a few minor bumps and no panic attacks at all. the doctor called me in for meds review 6 weeks ago and stopped them dead no reason.
    Since then have been ok until this week. I started having breathing problems no anxiety just trouble breathing until last night when it got really bad and stated a full blown panic attack.I managed to get doctors appointment this morning as anxiety really kicked in and somehow came out with antibiotics for chest infection although chest clear.
    Got home in bad state and panic started again and has gone on all day seems one big attack although we know that does not happen.
    Broke down completly dinner time crying non stop for 15 mins now feel real bad with no idea how to get out of it, tried all the usual things all failed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Having bad time

    Sorry, your doctor just cut off the sertraline just like that, with no reason at all ? I can't believe what I am reading ! That is absolutely CRAZY, its certainly incredibly poor practice, and that being kind to the doctor because I could say it is ngeligent! It should NOT be done like that at any time. Was this the same doctor you saw and came out with antibiotics with a clear chest and actually went about anxiety symptoms ?? I am feeling really angry for you reading this. You clearly did well on the Sertaline, and need to get back on the damned stuff. Are there any other doctors you can see at this practice ? I'm so so sorry, after having felt so good on this medication that this doctor has put you through this. Please, if at all possible, get to see someone tomorrow (I know appointments are like gold dust!) and ask to return to your medication.

    Old Fred, I am really upset for you.....none of this needed to happen! If you feel dreadful during the night, or in the early morning, or anytime, ring out of hours doctor and tell them how you are feeling.

  3. #3
    KK77's Avatar
    KK77 is offline NMP Complaints Mismanagement Controller
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Having bad time

    Totally unprofessional and disgraceful of GP to suddenly stop your AD med like that. Bad enough giving no reason for this decision but to not even allow you to taper is awful

    I agree that you should go back to (another) GP and explain how you've been feeling.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Having bad time

    And doling out antibiotics for a non existent chest infection?! Sounds like an appalling consultation. You must see a different GP today and restart your sertraline. I'm so sorry you are in such distress due to GP incompetence but please insist on an appointment today?

  5. #5

    Re: Having bad time

    Thanks for your support after a bad night I managed to get an emergency appointment with the nurse practitioner at surgery who was the one who listened and put me on meds in first place. she straight away put me back on did not even know I had been taken off the was not pleased at the state of me as both of us thought we had it under control .Stilll feel quite bad hopefuly will now improve.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Having bad time

    Fab !

    Well done you for taking control of the situation and advocating for what you needed. I sure hope that this nurse practitioner has something to say to the GP on your behalf ?! Are you SURE it was the GP you saw and not the cleaner ? I mean what sort of review is that for crying out loud ???

    At least you now know things will be on the up soon.

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