Hey guys. I've been a regular poster with my lung cancer HA for a while, but it's still getting to me. I've been coughing up occasional red flecks, which look pretty close to dried blood with how theyre dark crimson. the doctors say this is from coughing and throat irritation, but i cant shake the fear its haemoptysis caused by lung cancer. I know im young (19) but have been googling stories about young people who have been diagnosed with lung cancer who initially were ignored by doctors because it was unlikely. Ive had two gps look over me, and now im going to CBT, but i still cant stop these constant panic attacks. I wake up dreading the day because i know im just going to end up crying and panicking all day.

I hate how my life is right now. I want to get better but my therapist says the methods he suggested (grounding etc) take daily practice. how am i supposed to live life right now besides doing those exercises?

Im sorry. this might sound scatterbrained. i havent been able to sleep in 48 hours because im so scared.