I have my first law school exam tomorrow night. I was all set to get my studying in and be totally prepared. Monday, I had a massive, totally out of the blue panic attack so bad I went to see my GP to get anxiety meds. My anxiety has been 100% under control for over a year! Then, my 5 year old came home from school, fell asleep, woke up with a fever and a massive and sore lymph node in her neck that hurt so badly she couldn't move her head. Off to urgent care. They said viral. Next morning she's so much worse, can barely walk, fever, etc... to the pediatrician. Put on antibiotics. Three doses later, still getting worse. Back to the doctor - new antibiotic. Now she's sleeping thank God. But, have I been able to study?! Nooope. Also, just realized I drank out of a glass from the dishwasher that hadn't been washed - so mayyybe it was laying in the sink all night, maybe my sick kid had been drinking out of it... WHO KNOWS!? Send all the good vibes I get through this exam and my second one on the 11th. Oh, and my refrigerator broke yesterday so there's no food in the house and my husband had to go buy a mini fridge since my kid's antibiotics need to be refrigerated. Holy hell.