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Thread: Anxiety that is it....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Anxiety that is it....

    Hi everyone,
    Going through a rough patch at the minute.
    Stepdad has passed away quite quick of bowel cancel on 25th Nov.
    We were there when he passed which was horrific.
    And as you can imagine now my anxiety is through the roof.
    Last night I even talked myself into an anxiety attack when I took my meds and vitamins which I've been taking for yonks and I know they do not effect me in that way. The thought just popped in my head then boom it's there. I've spent all day with those anxious feelings and I honestly am fed up with it. I'm a nightmare causing this to happen to myself. I am slowly getting worse with my driving, shopping, going to meetings, doctor's, my son's school to name a few. And work well that's another thing to add to the mix. I've been having a retrain your brain therapy forgot the correct name sorry.
    It was helping but I feel I've gone backwards.
    Does everyone with anxiety feel like this? How do you cope with life in general? I'm sick and tired of being scared of this and the horrible feelings. I've been on and off like this since I was 18. I'm now 39!! I'm sat now dreading to take me meds tonight incase it happens again? I know by thinking it, it most likely will...........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Anxiety that is it....

    It's so think of something accompanied by anxious thoughts and it will happen. Ask yourself what will happen if you don't take your meds, you will probably feel worse.

    you haven't really gone backwards, youve been traumatised by your stepdads death and you're working through grief. You would have to be superwoman to sail through this without ramping up your anxiety. Cut yourself some slack.

    as to coping with it...well you just do. I've had it for 40 years and I'm still keeping on truckin. Some weeks are better than others. But every bad patch ends. You never think they will but they always do.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Anxiety that is it....

    Thank you. I took them no problem at all last night. My mind is crazy at the minute and your probably right it will be everything that's happened.
    I just get so tired fighting it all the time. Thank you for replying xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Anxiety that is it....

    Hi Kendra
    i think anxiety is never stopping battle, one minute you think you getting better and next the worst anxiety attack hits you. I m getting to a point ( having anxiety / agoraphobia for past 14 years) that this will be my life and I have to make most out of good days and get through the bad days . I restarted meds after 2 years and think oh well I just need to get on with it.
    i m sorry about your stepdad , my mum passed away 3 years ago from bowel cancer too and it’s awful to watch somebody to disappear in front of your eyes.
    that fact is traumatising enough with or without anxiety so don’t be hard on yourself.
    sending hug x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Anxiety that is it....

    Thank you Keta. It's horrific isint it? So sorry. Thank you for taking the time to reply To me. Day to day how do you deal with it if you don't mind me asking?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Anxiety that is it....

    Well I m back on Citalopram at the moment as in the summer I got really bad anxiety over travelling with my son as 4 hr flight to Lanzarote, I just kept running to toilets as I get really bad fight or flight response when I get anxious.
    I did try to remember my breathing exercises but at times it’s hard to put in to practise.
    Anyway got to a point when I would be getting anxious over just going food shopping at the weekend and that was my breaking point going back on meds.
    So I guess I m not dealing with it that great apart from using meds as a plaster.
    But I do have some group therapy coming up in February too.
    As I said I feel for me it’s daily battle some days good and I try to really cherish those moments when I m actually out and about and I feel 0 anxiety and try not to dwell on days when I feel like a shit.
    are you on any meds Kendra or been referred to any therapy like CBT?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Anxiety that is it....

    Hi keta,
    I'm on 30mg of cit and have been for a few years. I am never coming off them. I'm currently seeing a lady who tries to retrain your brain I can't remember exactly what it's call but she's worked with Paul McKenna and such like.
    I've had councerlling, been hypnotised (although I don't think I was hypnotised) and done CBT on line and talking therapies. Feel like I'm running out of options.
    I'm having a bad patch and I'm anxious about everything and anything. I create it all myself and just need help not to do that anymore. I'm like you and get the fight or flight response and I mainly run off when it gets too much.
    Well done for getting on a plane I can't even think about it now.
    Everything at the moment is causing me anxiety everything xxx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Anxiety that is it....

    Yes I understand, I wish I never came off Citalopram 2 years ago as now I have to go through all the side effects again.
    i think that there isn’t anything out there which will really help, it’s bit pessimistic but it would have to be God’s miracle to be healed from this.
    I also thought about hypnoses, but chickened out as didn’t want to end up not having control over what I m doing if that makes a sense.
    How is your family, are they being supportive and stuff? Feel free Kendra to message me if you want to ever chat about it .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Anxiety that is it....

    Thank you. I will most likely take you up on that.
    Yes they very understanding. Work is very understanding. So I am really lucky. I just wish I could restart my brain and set it back to normal. Whatever normal is.
    The side effects arnt nice at all but just keep thinking how they will help. God knows what I'd be like if I came off them. I've been watching Claire weekes on YouTube hoping I can float it away.
    Do you have support around you? Feel free to message me too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Anxiety that is it....

    Who is this Claire on You tube?
    Yes my partner is great and very supportive , my work doesn’t really know about my anxiety , but couple of my colleagues do now ( I only been in this job for year and half so not so close to people as yet)

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