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Thread: New here... trying not to panic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    New here... breast cancer fear

    So I first noticed an indent right above my nipple on my left breast at the end of July. I was breastfeeding at the time and didnt think much of it at first, till I noticed that even long after breastfeeding it stayed indented. I panicked & went to see our womens health nurse. She did a breast exam and couldn't feel anything, she wasn't worried at all but thought it just came from breastfeeding.
    I was fine with that for a while, but then thought I should probably get a second opinion from a doctor just to be safe. I went, and he sent me for an ultrasound at a breast clinic. Well nothing concerning was found.
    Then I found a small swollen lymph node on that same side a little above my collarbone and now I'm terrified that it indeed must be breast cancer and it has spread. It's not painful, so it's not a reactive node.A lymph node above the collarbone is apparently always a bad sign. I did get a doctor to feel it and all he said is wait for a few weeks to see if it'll go away. I'm just so scared.
    I breastfed my baby till 1yr 5months but weaned him 6 weeks ago and the indent is still there.
    Last edited by BAF18; 11-12-19 at 07:16. Reason: Title not specific

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: New here... trying not to panic

    If your GP was at all concerned he would not have you wait a few weeks.

    Your hormones will be all over the place which can result in numerous harmless changes.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Re: New here... trying not to panic

    Your breasts will have changed hugely from pregnancy and breast feeding. They are never the same. So this is probably just a pregnancy/breast feeding change for you. The scan would of found something in the breast.

    I can’t really comment on the node other than to say I’ve had non painful nodes come up. One behind my ear that never went down, two in my armpit that feel like rock hard pellets that a breast consultant made no comment on after feeling them. We can have nodes come up for various reasons and some never go down. Your body has gone through huge changes over the past two years x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Re: New here... trying not to panic

    Thank you for responding! I have really struggled with health anxiety this past year and have to remind myself that our bodies change after having babies. I guess probably even more so since this was my 5th😏 and I've breastfed them all till a year or longer. I'm so overly aware of every change in my body and I hate it! Lately I've dreaded even showering, cause I don't want to see my breasts and any possible changes there may be.

  5. #5

    Re: New here... trying not to panic

    I had a swollen lymphnode right behind my collarbone when I was 16. It was never sore and it’s probably still there. Had an ultrasound on it, and it turned out to be a “dead” node caused by a previous respiratory infection.

    Also, 6 weeks isn’t a long time. Your breasts don’t “recover” fully from breastfeeding in such a short time. It took me nearly a year after stopping breastfeeding to stop leaking milk occasionally.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    New worries... where's my period??!!

    Hey, so I've always had very regular periods. I know when I'm ovulating, I track my cm and can feel ovulation pain. The last number of months my cycle has been 28 or 29 days long. My last period started November 30 and so I was expecting my period yesterday or the day before,the 28th or 29th, and there's still no sign of it. Twice I had very light pink spotting on the day I expected it. I don't know what to think, at times I'm so scared that I might have uterine cancer or something like that, that's why I'm not getting it. My husband and I had unprotected sex 5 days before I ovulated. But I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant! For one, I've never gotten pregnant that easily or that far off from ovulation. Is that far before ovulation even possible to get pregnant?? It's not that we're trying to get pregnant. And I'm too scared to take a pregnancy test, if its negative I know I'll be very extremely stressed and very convinced it's something sinister. I've been getting all the PMS symptoms but so far no AF.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: New here... breast cancer fear

    Periods are funny things due to stress. But also, you really could be pregnant! Leave it a few more days and do a pregnancy test. But I wouldn’t worry too much otherwise.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Re: New here... trying not to panic

    Thank you for your responses! So this morning I finally did a pregnancy test inspite of being terrified! I knew I had to know sometime anyway. It was positive, I'm pregnant!!! Oh no, I can hardly believe it!! This makes me very nervous, we have 5 boys and our youngest is 1yr 7m! We were thinking we'd take a long break before even thinking of having another. Obviously God had other plans for us! This was NOT expected in any way, I never get pregnant this easily. We had sex 5 days before ovulation & then used protection during my fertile period. I'm in shock!! I'm really hoping I can keep my health anxiety under control and not worry excessively throughout this whole pregnancy!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: New here... trying not to panic

    Well congratulations !

    Obviously God had other plans for us!
    I'm not sure there was any god involved LOL, unprotected sex at any time especially 5 days before ovulation (sperm can live for 5 days!) is gonna be a 'risk factor'. Nobody really knows their ovulation that accurately and even if it was 12 hours earlier it would have increased the chances of sperm getting to where it should. Well, at least you now have an answer to your spotting query and I hope you also stay as calm as you can in terms of anxiety, 9 months will whip away really quickly - wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: New here... breast cancer fear

    This is lovely news, congratulations!

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