Posting for the first time, 38 year old male.

I have a twitch in a small muscle near top of the elbow of my right arm (think it's called anconeus muscle) for about a 2 weeks now. It's there pretty much all the time, although there are some periods when it subsides. I have no other symptoms, no weakness, only this annoying thing in my elbow. I occasionally feel fasciculations in the same arm, or in some other body parts, but they are really small and go away quickly. I read a lot about fasciculations and ALS (I know I shouldn't have, but ...), and these localized fasciculations seem to be precursor of ALS in some small number of cases (and I know how small are the odds to get ALS in the first place, but still ...).

Couple of years ago, after a period of prolonged stress, I developed a twitch in eyelid, which persisted for good month or so. Since it was a pretty stubborn twitch, I went to see neurologist (who is treating my migraines), fearing MS - he brushed me off. Every once in a while, I would get these eyelid twitches (last time about a month ago), which sometimes would last for months, but I could reassure myself that it's just stress related.

Now it feels different, I'm not sure if this elbow twitch can be stress related. I went into a full blown panic-mode this weekend, reading about fasciculations and stuff, becoming gravely feared about the worst, and almost physically ill with worry .

While I tried to comfort myself, I bumped into this site. While reading the stories, I could relate to a lot of them, but I really couldn't find any story with the isolated fasciculations. I guess I just need a voice of reason (and I did read the sticky post) - this twitch really drove me crazy .