The short of my story is that yesterday morning I woke up fine, no issues. A couple hours later my arm felt itchy and irritated so I looked down to scratch it and found two dots of broken skin about 1.27 cm apart. The centers have at least the top layer of skin gone and the unbroken skin around each is pink to red and about the size of a pencil eraser. There was also a small non-irritated scratch mark in the middle. Since I had been indoors most of the previous day, I cannot think of how this could have happened. Even my wife who is the logical one said they do look odd and so close together. So, my mind goes to bat bite in sleep.

For positives, our large dog sleeps with us and I have to imagine he would have seen or heard a bat and alerted us to it. Also, its been cold for a month where I live so most bats should be hibernating. Also, I don't see how a disoriented bat would have made it into my house and eluded us and our pets until night and still eluded them. Lastly, I went over our whole bedroom and part of our house and never found anything.

For negatives, I really cannot figure out what would cause two spots like that and my wife cannot either. I wonder what if there was a bat and maybe it bit me then fell on the floor or something and the dog ate it while we were asleep so we never knew. Or maybe it's still hiding around the house somewhere.

I'm trying to be calm, but am lost on what causes two irritated marks like that with broken skin and occurred without me knowing about it. Bats can bit in your sleep without you knowing, though. One last positive I'm trying to use is that during my last big fear 5-10 years ago, I actually went and found a place that let me buy the three pre-exposure shots. So, even though it was awhile ago, I assume something is still in my system that might protect me?