I have always had a really hard time with separating dreams from reality and have more often than not thought something that happened in a dream happened in real life. It kind of ****s with me because I constantly get memories screwed up. I very often have these kind of dreams where they’re hyper realistic, I often wake up with the strong belief that the events of the dream really happened and I have to use logic to tell myself ‘I’ve been at home...I went to sleep I didn’t REALLY go out and become a zookeeper in the Cincinnati zoo in America’ for example
But the most common one is dreams that I’ve cheated on my boyfriend. I have never ever cheated on my boyfriend nor any ex boyfriends in the past but it is such a recurring theme in my dreams that I will ‘remember’ that I have cheated on him, and the whole storyline is me trying to come terms with the guilt and realising what I have done and trying to figure out how to tell him. I wake up and completely doubt myself whether it happened or not, but then I apply the logic and KNOW that I no, didn’t go out and **** my male friend last night because I watched films and went to bed plus he’s currently hundreds of miles away from me. In the dream I even messaged my friend ‘did we have sex last night’ and I woke up this morning and frantically checked my texts just to make sure i didn’t actually.
It’s becoming quite a problem because I’m starting to feel genuine guilt over something I haven’t even done and I know I have never cheated yet part of my brain is worried I have. Even though I KNOW I haven’t. Any insight on what this means?