Hi, i've had ibs for 30 years and my symptoms have changed over the years. My anxiety surrounds my bowel movements and has done for the last 15 years. For the past 3 1/2 years I have been particularly worried/obsessed about my symptoms.

I have had occasions of diahorrea, loose stools, normal stools, small hard stools, incomplete evacuation and also intermittant thin stools. I have got into the habit of keeping trying to pass a stool even though I don't have a particularly strong urge. I feel like something is about to pass but when I stop straining it goes away, i'm sure this what has always happened but my anxiety wants me to think that it's something sinister.

I'm not coping too well atm and have been signed off my work for the last month, i'm due back this week but I really don't think i'm ready. I feel incredibly low and can't see any way out of this.