Caught the flu last Friday, 1/3, been miserable for a few days and on Sunday got the anti-flu virus tamiflu and benzocotate/tessollin for my cough. I'm slowly recovering, but ever since yesterday afternoon (Wednesday), I've been suddenly having random bouts of cold sweats. I should've mentioned this to my doctor when I was at her office yesterday afternoon but they checked my other vitals and they were fine.

I get these episodes once in awhile but they go away after a day or two. This one I'm worried about because it's morning Thursday and I've had it since Wednesday noon. It's not night sweats because I don't wake up drenched in my bed, just a little sweat around my neck. I don't know how to describe the physical sensation I have right now, as long as I don't move too much I don't sweat but the moment I do some activity I get *some* cold sweats.

I know I'm not 100% healed from the flu (it's still 6 days) but I didn't have these cold sweats earlier this week. Anyone else had this while they had the flu?