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Thread: Ritalin (Chromosome Damage)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Ritalin (Chromosome Damage)

    Quote Originally Posted by SEANML View Post
    I enjoyed the combo but I just would rather not take the risk I guess. I tend to do alot of silly things in my life lol. I would rather not add to the list of possible cancer causing crud :P
    There is no evidence either med causes cancer.

    I am very pleased that you have all put some input in this convo. I wish ritalin never did that study :P
    *Could someone help me understand this article about the damage "" I am having a hard time interpreting it and finding the date of study. My TBI makes large reading almost impossible.
    The study was published in 2008. It found no evidence of chromosome damage from taking methylphenidate, or other amphetamines.

    That is not the only study to find methylphenidate has no impact on cell genetics. Neither did Walitza S, 2009; Ponsa I, 2009; Tucker JD, 2009. This was supported by long-term studies in monkeys such as Soto PL, 2012 and Morris SM, 2009, or mice: Manjanatha MG, 2009;

    Bottom line: The 2005 El-Zein study claiming chromosome damage got it badly wrong somehow and you are obsessing over nothing. Ritalin has been around for a long time and if it was causing cancer this would be very obvious by now. There is no evidence of a cancer epidemic among former, or current users.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Ritalin (Chromosome Damage)

    Thanks once again for the help, I stayed on my 6 rits. I am convinced it is a much safer route (being I have used them for over 15 years)

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Ritalin (Chromosome Damage)

    I got onto vyvanse due to my ritalin ocd worries. But vyvanse seems to be causing a fair amount of mental stress. I wish I could stop dwelling on the cancer risks bit for ritalin, I want to go back on it. But I cannot stop the ocd on the "cancer link" Thank you everyone for your efforts. It has helped greatly. I am close to finally accepting the risks and going back to ritalin maybe. Does anyone have any evidence that ritalin is not a cancer causer??

  4. #14
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Ritalin (Chromosome Damage)

    Quote Originally Posted by SEANML View Post
    Does anyone have any evidence that ritalin is not a cancer causer??
    You've had 7 studies cited which found it doesn't, about half of which were long-term. How many more do you think it would take to convince you? Another 100? A 1,000? I doubt even a million would do it because this isn't really about the actual risk, but your fixation on it. The issue is the anxiety, not the Ritalin. What is being done to control it?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Ritalin (Chromosome Damage)

    I am seeking help. I asked me dr to refer me to a psychiatrist. I know what triggered all my old mental conditions. I am trying my best to stop them but it is very difficult.I have been driving everyone bonkers. It was triggered 2 months ago and I cannot get a full grip on it.
    I do believe and trust the articles you have posted and agree that yes they are good enough. I do apologize. I am just a confused mess that is taking others into his break down. Thanks for the post. I have accepted the articles and do agree. Sorry once again. I hope to get better sometime soon.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Ritalin (Chromosome Damage)

    Quote Originally Posted by SEANML View Post
    I am seeking help. I asked me dr to refer me to a psychiatrist. I know what triggered all my old mental conditions. I am trying my best to stop them but it is very difficult.I have been driving everyone bonkers. It was triggered 2 months ago and I cannot get a full grip on it.
    I do believe and trust the articles you have posted and agree that yes they are good enough. I do apologize. I am just a confused mess that is taking others into his break down. Thanks for the post. I have accepted the articles and do agree. Sorry once again. I hope to get better sometime soon.
    No apology necessary. I understand how difficult it can be when in the grip of these disorders. Been there, got the t-shirt. I think you're doing the right thing by asking to see a psychiatrist because the medications you've mentioned seem to be an odd combination.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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