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Thread: Dull pressure on left side of head :(

  1. #1

    Pressure on head for weeks.. panicking :(

    I’m hoping someone could offer some guidance (and reassurance wouldn’t hurt either!) but for the past 3 weeks my head has been feeling “off”. Im a 41 year old female in relatively good health. I eat well, workout 4-5x a week and am in a healthy weight/BMI group. I’ve had a few health scares in the past couple years (abnormal mammogram and thyroid nodules- all turned out fine) but that left me with health anxiety, which is the worst!
    I noticed I started feeling out of it about 3 weeks ago, but chalked it up to the holidays. Then I noticed my brain felt like it was shaking- like someone injected caffeine in it. It would come/go, and never lasted long. There’s been pressure on various parts of my head- back, sides, and lately it’s been just on one spot on top of my head. Imagine if someone were pressing their finger on the top of your scalp, mostly in the center (maybe slightly to the left). It’s not painful, just annoying and constant. It did go away for the majority of the day yesterday which was great, but then came back in the evening. As I mentioned, I’m prone to headaches and in Dec 2018 I had a MRI and all was good. In August 2019 I had a back MRI, all good and I’ve recently had a high resolution neck ultrasound (for the thyroid nodules) and nothing else was wrong. I’ve been going to the chiro regularly, and getting massages as my neck muscles are super tight since I sit at a PC all day for work. In April 2019 I had my vitamin levels checked and all was good save my Vitamin D which was slightly low, but I’m taking a daily supplement.
    As you can imagine, this is kicking my anxiety into high gear - and now I’m in panic mode. I’m having a hard time finding anyone who had/has similar symptoms as me, and of course googling this is not doing me any favors. I do want to note that I recorded a similar feeling last year but it only lasted a few days, and I’m going on 3 weeks of this. Thanks for reading- I really appreciate any insight you may have.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Pressure on head for weeks.. panicking :(

    I'm afraid I haven't experience what you are referring to - but I will say this - anything that comes and goes (for a whole day) and you've had before this episode, that also went, seems extremely unlikely to be anything of concern. Sometimes odd things just happen, and the body has a wee software glitch, which sorts itself out. I will add though
    I’ve been going to the chiro regularly, and getting massages as my neck muscles are super tight
    that surely this could cause an odd head pain referred from the neck ?

  3. #3

    Re: Pressure on head for weeks.. panicking :(

    Thank you so much for your reply! I am trying to calm myself down by telling myself the same thing- I’ve had this before (granted for a shorter period of time), and still here, so hopefully this will go away as well. This time I’m getting heart palpitations too, which I know is the anxiety. I just had a massage thinking it would help, and it did...until I left. Now the pressure is back on the top of my head. Anyway, I do have some xanex that I’ll take so I can chill out a bit tonight and not drive everyone around me mad Thank you again for taking the time to reply! Have a great weekend!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Pressure on head for weeks.. panicking :(

    DId you mention it to the chiro ?

  5. #5

    Re: Pressure on head for weeks.. panicking :(

    Yes, and he said that he could feel an area of my neck that was out of line, and it’s on the left side where my head seems to be feeling the majority of the pressure (it’s really the center, but slightly to the left). Thank you again for your replies!

  6. #6

    Exclamation Dull pressure on left side of head :(

    Hi all,
    I’m still fairly new to this site, but posted about a week ago in relation to pressure in my head that has been going on for a while. In total, I’ve had odd sensations for going on a month :/ in the past 2 weeks i have felt as if someone is pressing on a spot on the left side my scalp with their thumb - this pressure seems to be causing some minor throbbing (heartbeat) sensation in the roof of my mouth. It’s not painful but just annoying. Additionally I have slight tinnitus. Has anyone had what I’m describing? I guess what I am looking for is safety in numbers I’m really scared and have to talk myself out of going to the ER multiple times a day. Here’s some other things that are important to note:

    *41 y/o female in good health (although HA makes me believe differently!) according to my gyno, not in perimenopause yet
    * went to the GP 2 days ago. While she didn’t do the normal head testing (shine light in my eyes, etc) she felt around on my neck and looked in my ears, mouth and nose - all good. No sinus issues. Got bloodwork/urine test done, everything is great and within the range. She thinks it’s tension and anxiety, and prescribed Lexapro which I just started taking (5mg)
    * went to the eye doc yesterday, dentist last week and all is great.
    * I am prone to headaches, which scares me more because this is not like a normal headache I would get
    * having brain shakes from time to time, and feels like my muscles on the left
    side (where the head pressure is) has slight spasms
    * been to the chiro, who said I had a neck muscle on the left side out of whack - have done a number of adjustments and been to the masseuse
    * no vomiting, not worse when I bend over, weight is fluctuating normally
    * had an brain MRI in December 2018, all good. Had a MRI of the thoracic cervical spine in May 2019, all good (found thyroid nodules.. whole different fiasco) ultrasound on thyroid/neck in November 2019- nothing outside of the nodules were detected
    *stiff neck on the left (where head pain is)
    *occasional dizziness and feeling of being “out of it”
    * in therapy, although doesn’t seem to help too much yet

    I’ve read that you can’t feel a brain tumor by running your hands on your scalp, and while my scalp is sore to the touch in places (and hence the someone pressing down feeling), this pressure feels like it’s in my skull.. like someone stuck a golf ball in there and the pressure is felt all the way down the inside of my face.

    i don’t quite know what to anymore.. I’m having a hard time focusing at work because this is all I’m thinking about. I don’t want to go out with friends because I’m in my head about this and I’m driving my husband nuts with my worrying. I am struggling not to google things which is why I’m here. Has anyone had similar symptoms they can share or offer any advice? I feel like this is ruining my life!
    thanks for reading my long-winded post!
    Last edited by Chloe2828; 20-01-20 at 12:37. Reason: Added blood/urine test results

  7. #7

    Re: Dull pressure on left side of head :(

    Hi- just checking in to see if anyone has similar symptoms? If so, please let me know.. it’s freaking me out that no one is responding..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Dull pressure on left side of head :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Chloe2828 View Post
    it’s freaking me out that no one is responding..
    You got responses on your other thread about this

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    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  9. #9

    Re: Dull pressure on left side of head :(

    yes - it was a great reply but unfortunately they didn’t experience the same things. I guess I was hoping for someone to respond who has also had similar symptoms.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Dull pressure on left side of head :(


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