Hey everyone I’m kayleigh 29 years old and was diagnosed with generalised anxiety recently

I think most of my anxiety stems back from
When my mum died when I was 12 years old as she was diagnosed with anxiety and then unexpectedly died from a heart condition we didn’t know she had

Also something that I think contributed to my anxiety was I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer 5 years ago and in that time I’ve had 2 scares where they’ve told me my cancer may have been back but luckily it wasn’t and both times it triggered a serious anxious period

I’ve only recently been prescribed medication as I’ve been able to control my anxiety until recently but now it’s escalated and I realise I can’t fight this on my own anymore I’ve also referred myself for cbt so just waiting for a start date for that

A lot of my health anxiety concerns my heart mainly because of my mum passing and ask cause I remember when I went to the drs once for a check up and the dr sent me straight of to a and e as my pulse was high queue them doing plenty of tests and finding nothing wrong after that I became obsessed with checking my
Pulse and feeling my heart all the time

Currently with this new bout of anxiety I am very hyper aware of all my senses mainly my ears and vision and this is now something that triggers me on a daily basis

Sorry this post is so long I just needed to get some things off my chest look forward to speaking to some of you xx