The other day at work I felt a strong sting on the back left of my neck, like a mosquito bite but more painful. It was enough to kind of throw me off what I was doing for a second. I have had this maybe 1/2 times before in the last few weeks or months, don’t remember when.

I googled when I got back and it says lhermitte’s sign which is a symptom of MS. I then starting googling more and I’ve been feeling tingles everywhere, random twitches. I know that could be anxiety because I seemed to get more after I googled it.

But another thing is foot drop, someone once said jokingly I slap my feet down hard when walking and it never really occurred to me but now it’s all adding up. I’m worried I have foot drop and I keep videoing me walking and seeing if my foot is actually moving when I walk and it is fine or if my legs are picking it up higher because it is weak. One thing leads to another and apparently if you have foot drop, your knees become hyperflexible to compensate... mine are very hyperflexible.

Sounds crazy but I’ve been bending my neck around all day to see if it triggers the shock sensation, been heel walking across the room to make sure I don’t have foot drop.

Anyone else experienced any of these? I’m so worried right now and finding it hard to look forward to anything. I haven’t had health anxiety in 2 and a half years and now it’s all come back.