33, Female, 145 pounds, No medications other then vitamins, probiotics. Don't drink or smoke cigs. But I do smoke a little MJ. No medical issues other then health anxiety and GERD.

I work from home, so I sit a little too much. My legs feel a little campy and achy and yesterday I randomly found like a knot or a lump on the back of my leg just above my achelies tendon. (not sure how to spell that). So I'm really freaking out about a tumor or a blood clot. I have already contacted my doctor and I'm waiting for a response. Please do not scare me anymore then I already am....I googled it and now I'm terrified. I know google isn't the best place to read any health issues, especially if you have health anxiety like me. But does anyone have advice? Or tips to help this pain go away? Is yoga good? I know I need to be more active and I'm working on fixing this. I'm just worried it's too late and I have a blood clot or a tumor and my life is basically lover. I hate health anxiety so much.