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Thread: Bleeding... Anxious about Colon Cancer

  1. #1

    Bleeding... Anxious about Colon Cancer

    Hey folks. Health anxiety has me gripped again. This time it's the prospect of Bowel Cancer. I'm 30, which I know which would be pretty young to have it, but doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

    For about half a year I'd had issues that seemed related to hemorrhoids... (tmi time) Starting with some anal leakage some time after passing a stool, and after a while I started seeing a little blood when wiping. I'd started lifting weights, which I know can cause them, and read that they tended to clear up on their own, so I stopped with the weight lifting and left things be. Months passed, nothing improved. Then one day, there was suddenly quite a LOT of blood. It was kinda thin and watery, but a considerable amount. Multiple wipes situation. It really alarmed me, so I went to see my doctor. She checked and had a feel, said she couldn't find anything other than a tiny anal fissure, but said that it sounded exactly like internal hemorrhoids. So I was given some treatment to take, which I did. But it's a month later and nothing's gotten better. Which makes me worry... if it's not hemorrhoids, then what is it?

    There isn't bleeding all the time... Every now and then there'll be lil' flecks of red blood on the toilet paper. But if I pass a stool and then do a lot of walking, that's when the larger amount of blood shows up like before. It's happened four times now. I don't have any pain, just blood, and constipation sometimes. I know the right answer is to go to the doctor again, and I plan to... But I feel like I've been so often lately, I hate to go running there immediately if it's not for something that's a big deal. Without lots of other symptoms my common sense tells me it's probably not a big deal, but then I worry if I'm dooming myself not going as soon as I can.

    Needed to get that off my chest... If anyone's got any input or can say about similar experiences, I'd really appreciate it.
    Last edited by squiddy; 31-01-20 at 05:46.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Re: Bleeding... Anxious about Colon Cancer

    A hemorrhoid issue. I've had the same experience with internal hemorrhoids. Comes and goes. If I do a lot of walking, like in the summer, I find I sometimes need a "safety wipe" and there will be some blood. If you had a BM then did walking, that can inflame hemorrhoids, as well as constipation. I have dealt with that type of situation for over 25 years...

  3. #3

    Re: Bleeding... Anxious about Colon Cancer

    Quote Originally Posted by Conelrad View Post
    A hemorrhoid issue. I've had the same experience with internal hemorrhoids. Comes and goes. If I do a lot of walking, like in the summer, I find I sometimes need a "safety wipe" and there will be some blood. If you had a BM then did walking, that can inflame hemorrhoids, as well as constipation. I have dealt with that type of situation for over 25 years...
    Is that so? That's reassuring to hear :> I may well go to the doctor soon just in case, if things continue, but in the meantime that helps to lessen my anxiety. Thank you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Bleeding... Anxious about Colon Cancer

    And anal fissures can come back and reopen, had one that took a long time to heal.

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