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Thread: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    hi michelle

    many thanks for all the advice. did you take med's during your recovery and how long do you yourself feel it took? jo x

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , Australia.

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    really fantastic post michelle!!!!!

    my main prob is the sick/dizzy spells...i get them every day, for about half to most of the day..nights being the worst...and headaches and fatigue come in a close 2nd....

    im going to buy mints like you advised...

    when i get the sick spells- im usually out n about,....i will try to just breathe and focus on something close by like you said....i need to beat this thing! im a newlywed, no kids yet, so much i want to do still and just started back to work- half a day a week so far and full of sick spells...ugh...

    thanks so much for your advice in the post, just great research!!! im only sorry that you suffered for that research.....

    and four kids!!! wow!! awsome!!! maybe there is hope for me yet!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi Michelle, Many thanks for posting all those tips. My main problem is depersonalisation/unreality and feeling slighly off balance, plus "electric" feelings in my arms and legs. Also I have stupid thoughts about not wanting to be so far from my car when I go out anywhere and not wanting to go out with hubby and kids or any mates in case they see me upset etc. Also I dont want to drive the car far because of the unreality. Then I get the awful wishing people were dead thoughts (I know deep down I dont really mean it) and "what ifs" and I am just so glad you posted those tips on here.

    Like you Michelle, I am going to have to try and ignore the bully more and do more relaxation and DONT look back. Also I must try the breathing exercises more too. I think that my problem with breathing exercises and relaxation is that I am impatient and want instant results and to see immediate improvement. I am just going to have to try and be more patient are I? What do you think about exercise Michelle?

    Many thanks again

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Michelle, I have just been re reading your post and it seems that exercise is a good thing for anxiety so I will have to come up with something suitable. Did you suffer with unreality yourself? The problem in recent weeks is that I have made the mistake of letting it get the better of me and have been tensing myself and bracing myself against it!!! This has resulted in my balance going and further annxiety feelings. I am going to have to persist with my breathing and relaxation exercises arent I? How do you cope with feeling unreal if you are around town for example? I always carry a packet of mints with me too!

    Another problem is that I am always monitoring myself and how I am feeling and thats another habit I have got to leave behind isnt it?

    Thanks again

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi BasilCat,

    Yep i did suffer a hell of a lot with depersonalization I HAD a huge problem with looking in mirrors as a result of this, Your right about the monitering of yourself and the best way to try to break this habbit is to take your mind away from You or if you find yourself monitering go to a window and look outside , take in what is happening in the outside world .......

    Yes relaxation is essential and a must be done as often as possible I advise at least 3 times a day make it part of your daily routine, Excerise is good as long as it is low impact , I for one LOVED power walking altho i was lucky to live near a large lake and Not many people saw me stomping round that on a daily basis lol

    The depersonalization will pass with relaxation too as we suffer with this as a result of a tired mind, all the thinking we do wears us down and in actual fact its our minds taking a rest that makes us feel unreal ...... so when this happens moniter your breathing and take a few minutes to relax a little .

    Above all remember You are winning as Long as You're trying and the road to recovery is Not out of your reach ..... Good Luck xx
    Sometimes when you cry No one see's your tears
    When your worried no one see's your pain
    When your happy No one see's your smile
    But you try farting and see how much attention you get !!!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi Michelle, Thanks so much for your reply to my message. I am feeling unreal now. I think its not helped with the fact that I did not sleep well at all last night and tiredness seems to make it worse for me. I was doing well yesterday and managed an hour in town. Then I got headache and thats why I did not sleep well last night.

    Thanks for your advice Michelle. I will have to find something to get my mind off me or go and look through a window or something.

    I will make relaxation a routine in my day too and find some low impact exercise that I can do. How did you find power walking whilst you felt unreal? I am so unreal at the moment that I dont feel like it would be a good idea to go anywhere. It is really distracting me.

    I am glad you have told me the depersonalisation will pass with relaxation and that its the result of a tired mind. We do such a lot of thinking inwardly dont we about how we are feeling when we are in an anxiety state. So its our minds taking a rest that causes this depersonalisation. I am going to have to monitor my breathing now I think. I am tensing up so much with it that I can hardly sit still or up straight at the computer!!

    Thanks. I will go and relax and monitor my breathing.


  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi again Michelle, I have just been wondering if its worth mentioning that whilst relaxation/exercise will help with the unreality/anxiety symptoms, isnt it fair to say that fear of these symptoms holds them in place as well?

    I have just been down to the Park and managed to walk around the pond in the park a bit, then I went and parked at the side of the pier and walked down to the sea front and around the block. The I was going to have some porridge in McDonalds to warm me up but they werent serving it! So I came home. I was ok walking around but realised that fear is a big factor in all this too.

    I know that anxiety is all about adrenalin in your system etc and that the unreality is just our minds reacting to being tired. But why on earth do anxiety symptoms have to be so scary!!

    I am doing my best to keep getting out and about and am trying to get past the stupid thought that I dont want to be so far away from the car whenever I go anywhere. Thats why I parked up and walked down to the beach and the pond this morning. But I still didnt feel great when I got home. Did you have any stupid thoughts like the one I mention above Michelle about not wanting to be far from the car or whatever. If so, how did you cope?

    Thanks Michelle.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi Basilcat

    yep i felt fear every second of every day , I couldnt drive my car or even answe the phone there were so many things i was pettrified off , even my hubbie had to sit with me while i bathed or showered i couldnt bear to be alone in case i did something or something happened ......

    I know its hard but i pushed past the fear, I didnt walk away from the situation .... its very difficult but being alone for example especially with the kiddies , I told hubbie to leave me alone in the house for a hour ,,,,,,,,, then two ,,,,,,,,,,, then three and so on until the fear didnt become such a issue .

    Driving the car was hard too so i drove short distances and then further , each day I challenged the fear and the silly thoughts that I had , if I needed too I rang my cpn or no panic to let off steam and then carried on,

    If the fear and the thoughts told me i had something to be scared off i didnt listen i sat it out and almost welcomed it said Ok come on then I am ready , and of course nothing ever happened . ...... its difficult but so rewarding too .

    Good luck PM me if i can help any more

    Sometimes when you cry No one see's your tears
    When your worried no one see's your pain
    When your happy No one see's your smile
    But you try farting and see how much attention you get !!!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , USA.

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi, would you have any advice for weak type feelings in arms and legs. How do you keep your mind from thinking you have a life threatening disease? Thank you.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic


    Try this - Tense your arm then take a deep breath in count to four hold the tension then release as you breath out ............ do this several times then do the same with your legs , you can do this with any part of the body and its great for realiving tension or the tingly feeling we sometimes get .

    How do you stop yourself from thinking you have a life threatening disease - 1 ) Use the stop Technique and 2 ) DONT GOOGLE

    michelle xxx
    Sometimes when you cry No one see's your tears
    When your worried no one see's your pain
    When your happy No one see's your smile
    But you try farting and see how much attention you get !!!

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