I wonder if you could shed any light on this and help me get over this.

I should point out that I don't really get anxious, and ma pretty chilled. However the past 3 years, I have had a medical condition with the oesophagus that can make food get stuck (not choking) and it needs to be removed.

This has happened a couple of times when in public, and a couple of times at home. Twice I have needed to go to A&E to get this removed, as it can last up to 12 hours / overnight with an impaction.

I have had a endoscopy etc and the results are pretty good, which also dislodged the food stuck, and am on medication etc.

Now I am sure that this is more an anxiety thing, as eating at home or with one or two people is fine. But when going out with friends, eating out, my mind races suddenly, thinking 'I hope this doesn't happen' and get food stuck, A&E, etc!!!!
I can almost feel food sticking as i think about a current situation sitting in a restaurant! so am pretty sure that even though nothing is found medically (still having follow up appointments) that Anxiety and my subconscious mind is taking over because this has physically happened before so I am "replaying the experience"

Is there anyway to get over this? as I am sure there are millions of social and eating anxieties out there unrelated, how do you get over this?

Thank you