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Thread: First day on Prozac

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: First day on Prozac

    Quote Originally Posted by mazza27 View Post
    The flight is about 3 hours so I worry about that and also worry about trying to act like I’m feeling ok all week when I may not be.
    Is flying itself the problem, or agoraphobia, both?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  2. #22
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    Apr 2016

    Re: First day on Prozac

    It’s the flying that’s the problem. Almost thinking of not going.
    had a panic attack yesterday afternoon and felt awful for the rest of the day.
    then woke up about 5.30 am feeling really anxious. Tried breathing exercises but it did not go and seemed to be building so took 2mg Diazipam under my tongue. Within 5 minutes felt really sick dizzy. Finally fell asleep and have recently woken up. Feel a bit defeated by it all. I am feel much worse this week that I was before I started the fluoxetine. Day 7 today. I am really worried about the holiday and not being able to get there.

  3. #23
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    Re: First day on Prozac

    I had been on fluoxetine before in 2016 and weaned off by end of 2017. I have been feeling anxiety building up over last six months so went back to GP to nip it in the bud. She suggested going back on fluoxetine as it worked before. Beginning to regret it now as I am getting panic attacks again which I was not before I went back on it. I had been feeling anxious quite often but the panic attacks have only been over the last week. I suffer with health anxiety and it was a minor heal scare 6 months ago that started it off again. I though I was managing it well with just propranolol but it has escalated. Don’t know what to do

  4. #24
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    Re: First day on Prozac

    Quote Originally Posted by mazza27 View Post
    It’s the flying that’s the problem.
    Flying is a piece of cake - used to be my day job, it's the drive to/from the airport which is scary. I've spent most of today driving nearly 800 km, too tired/lazy to convert that to miles, but a long day in the saddle for an old bugger. I would gladly have traded places with you.

    Feel a bit defeated by it all. I am feel much worse this week that I was before I started the fluoxetine.
    That is the major problem with ADs for anxiety, they can make it much worse before they begin making it better. Unfortunately, there is no magic incantations to make it any easier.

    Day 7 today. I am really worried about the holiday and not being able to get there.
    Can you cancel, or postpone without loosing your money? I don't know if travel insurance would cover this. Perhaps not if it's a pre existing condition.

    I had been on fluoxetine before in 2016 and weaned off by end of 2017. I have been feeling anxiety building up over last six months so went back to GP to nip it in the bud. She suggested going back on fluoxetine as it worked before.
    The initial side-effects can be both more severe and different than the first time and it can take longer for the AD to kick-in too. Why seems to be a mystery, although this may mostly be because no one is looking that hard.

    Don’t know what to do
    It comes down to either powering through the worst of it while treating the side-effects as best you can, switching to something else in the hope it will provide an easier ride, or trying therapy instead.

    Option one is hard, but likely to work, 2 is about a 50:50 chance with another SSRI or SNRI, possibly slightly better odds with a TCA, and 3 has a good chance of working, but it could be a long wait to access.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #25
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    Re: First day on Prozac

    Thank you. The holiday cannot be postponed- it was booked a year ago when I was feeling fine!
    lots of other people going who can go without me. I would be really disappointed if I could not go.
    I am going to pack a s assume I am going. I will take half of one of my 5mg Diazipam before I go to bed and the other half when I wake up. I will be all ready to go and decide in the morning if I feel ok. I could not have gone today - the physical effects of the anxiety and or fluoxetine were way to strong. I though about stopping them all together but I have taken 7 days worth now.
    you are very kind to reply. I just wish I knew how the next week would pan out. If I felt really bad on holiday I may as well be at home but maybe the second week won’t be as bad. Crystal ball anyone?

  6. #26
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    Re: First day on Prozac

    Well been back to GP today - different doctor. I explained all the terrible side effects I had with Fluoxetine and said I wanted to try and manage with out anti depressants. I asked for The anti histamine suggested and she had never heard of it - looked it up - and said no! Would not give me any more diazepam either. I need to wait for CBT. She persuaded me to accept a prescription for Sertataline 50mg but I have not collected it. I am so scared to try another anti depressant after the awful experience last week. I would love your thoughts on the subject panic_down_under if you don’t mind.

  7. #27
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    Re: First day on Prozac

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Penelope View Post
    I asked for The anti histamine suggested and she had never heard of it - looked it up - and said no!
    Did she say why?

    She persuaded me to accept a prescription for Sertataline 50mg but I have not collected it. I am so scared to try another anti depressant after the awful experience last week.
    I can't say whether sertraline will produce fewer, or worse initial side-effects. They only way to know is by trying it.

    But NOT at 50mg! Try starting at 12.5mg and increase the dose by the same amount every 7-10 days. You should clear this with the GP first and it would be easier if you had a script for 25mg, if available, as the oval tablets can be tricky to quarter accurately. Failing that, some generics do come in round 50mg tablets so ask the pharmacy if they have/can get you some of them.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  8. #28
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    Re: First day on Prozac

    She first said she had never heard of it then she had not prescribed it for years - then looked it up and said it’s not really suitable for anxiety. She seemed very keen for me to try sertraline. She did say I could increase propanalol from 20mg twice a day to 20mg three times a day.

    I have decided to try and manage without the sertraline for the moment. I could not function on the fluoxetine at all and spent most of the week unable to get out of bed. I feel so much better since I stopped it.

    I have arranged for some private counselling to start next week and I am on the waitlist to some NHS CBT. I am also using camomile tea and Bach flower remedies. I still have 8 x2mg diazepam for emergency use.

    The doctor I saw yesterday was a locum. I have another appointment at the end of next week with a different GP so I am going to print out the information about Vistaril mentioning it’s anti anxiety properties and try again.

    When I had CBT a few years ago they seemed quite against anti depressants and would have preferred that I was not taking them while having CBT. I kind of wished I had stayed on them instead of weaning off in 2017. It was my idea to come off as I was feeling so much better and managed quite well without them for about 18 months.

    I am willing to try anything - apart from the anti depressants at the moment. I keep hearing about CBD oil for anxiety but it is very expensive and unproven. Do you know if there are any over the counter anti histamines that could help? Or anything else?

    you have been a great help to me over the last two weeks panic_down_under so thank you very much.

  9. #29
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    Re: First day on Prozac

    I have also been avidly listening to three books. The Dare book by Barry Mcdonagh. Claire Weekes Freedom from Nervous suffering and Anxiety Rebalance by Carl Vernon. All really have the same message about accepting the anxious feelings so I am trying hard to to that. All very good books - although Claire Weekes is a bit dated now it’s a great listen.

  10. #30
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    Re: First day on Prozac

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Penelope View Post
    She first said she had never heard of it then she had not prescribed it for years - then looked it up and said it’s not really suitable for anxiety.
    And yet she would probably happily prescribe mirtazapine, or the antipsychotic quetiapine which mostly rely on their antihistamine properties to sedate anxiety.

    She did say I could increase propanalol from 20mg twice a day to 20mg three times a day.
    Is the 1 x 20mg propranolol having a positive impact after you take it?

    I am also using camomile tea and Bach flower remedies.
    Omega-3 fatty acids/fish oil and exercise have proven positive affects on anxiety and depression by stimulating hippocampal neurogenesis just as AD do and may be all that's needed for mild anxiety and/or depression. Magnesium supplements may also help.

    When I had CBT a few years ago they seemed quite against anti depressants and would have preferred that I was not taking them while having CBT.
    Psychologists/therapists seem to spend a lot of their energy in bad mouthing ADs and doing meta studies to prove they don't work, while, at least in the U.S., not sure about the UK, they lobby politicians to legislate prescribing rights for psychologists. They've succeeded in some states.

    I keep hearing about CBD oil for anxiety but it is very expensive and unproven.
    The jury is still out on this. CBD seems to work well for some and not at all for others.

    Do you know if there are any over the counter anti histamines that could help? Or anything else?
    Maybe. In the U.S. the over-the-counter (otc) antihistamine Benadryl contains diphenhydramine which has some anti anxiety properties, but it is not quite as potent as hydroxyzine. However, in the UK it contains another drug which doesn't have the same effect. I don't know if diphenhydramine is available in another otc med, but your pharmacy will (ask about its suitability is you're on any other medication).
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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