You know when you haven’t had one for ages and your not sure if it was a panic attack or not. I’m not still on high alert and not sure if I need to go to hospital or ring an ambulance. I was lying in bed and I had this bizarre sensation in my chest like tingly numbness on the left side of my breastbone and I reacted so fast and before I knew it the panic attack had started but whilst all this was happening I was trying to check if I was having a heart attack or a stroke. Then the shaking started. Now my heart didn’t feel like it was pumping that fast so I think that’s why I’m uncertain with all the shivers as I usually get them when my heart has peaked and I’m waiting for it to come down. I’m just sitting her shivering mess I am now wondering what to do? I’ve done some breathing that’s helped slightly but all this kicked off half an hour ago. Any advice?

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