Thanks Joe. Yeah, he is deep as the ocean and I have no idea where to start. He gets upset about not having a group of friends anymore, as he isolated himself from them years before he met me. But openly tells me he hates and resents me for having a group of friends. Hes never been the type to stop me seeing my friends dont get me wrong, quite the opposite. But since we moved out ( he had never really mentioned it or how much it upset him) he has been quite manic about it as a topic during one of his rages. Crying, smashing things and saying I do nothing to help him with this. What can I do? I cant make this happen for him, it isn't my fault. He says I isolate him even though this occured well before he met me. It's all very unsettling for me. I'm not saying woe is me, I respect his problems. But he doesn't respect mine. All his issues are major in his opinion, and mine can be fixed overnight if I just get my head together. It's so unreasonable. I have told my brother quite a lot, and a few closer friends. But honestly I worry, if I told them about the drinking and stuff. I don't want them to have a bad opinion of me and alcoholism has SUCH a stigma, people are so demonised. And I know it isnt helpful and i know it can make some people act badly, so I sort of get why it has that reputation. But for them to think I'm unhinged or unstable would just destroy me. And my whole social life is based on going out having a drink with my friends and stuff. Imagine, now they think I'm an alcoholic. They would start thinking we shouldn't ask her out anymore. So I am just very stuck in what and how much I give away. Because I can solve this myself and no one needs to know. But it seems very hard right now, as my main support keeps treating me like crap. Just very confused