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Thread: OCD and handwashing/cleaning in overdrive, any tips?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    OCD and handwashing/cleaning in overdrive, any tips?

    Hi all,
    Well aren't we lucky that coronavirus is such a treat for those of us with health anxiety.
    In all seriousness, I think in some ways it's made me more ready for it and vigilant.
    I have a problem though, I'm pretty much self isolating as I work in the entertainment industry which has now stopped!
    I'm being very careful too as I have slight asthma.
    My main worry is that I keep washing and drying my hands, I realise it's getting out of control.
    I'm getting really good about not touching my face but still wash my hands before I touch the computer or a tv remote, but then think I might not have done it right blah blah blah, I'm sure this is the usual OCD pattern.
    I bought a load of isopropyl alcohol wipes too and disposable gloves and keep using those. Trouble is I'm convinced I'll catch it from something from groceries to the car door to door handles, light switches. I'm obsessively cleaning them and it's ruling my life at the moment.
    I just wondered if anyone had any tips in this bizarre and awful time.
    Nighttime Pacer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: OCD and handwashing/cleaning in overdrive, any tips?

    If I’m being completely honest, I’m the same right now lol. It’s rough. Hands are seriously red and dry and hurt from the excessive hand washing. I’ve never had OCD tendencies before at least none that I recognize as being disruptive to my daily life. But now it’s like I think about everything I touch and have to sanitize immediately afterward, especially since I’m still working and around other people albeit at a distance lol. I will admit it’s a little out of control right now but then the other side of me feels like this is one thing I can have control over - my hygiene. Once this is all blown over and CV becomes just another virus, I’m hoping it won’t be terribly difficult to pull out of this loop. But right now it just doesn’t concern me enough to worry about it I guess. No advice for you really just wanted to say you’re not alone!!

  3. #3

    Re: OCD and handwashing/cleaning in overdrive, any tips?

    Also having trouble not washing my hands too much. I keep a pump bottle of moisturizer at the sink to use immediately after washing. Helps a bit.

  4. #4

    Re: OCD and handwashing/cleaning in overdrive, any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nighttime pacer View Post
    but then think I might not have done it right blah blah blah, I'm sure this is the usual OCD pattern.
    If this is happening try to wash your hands more 'mindfully.' That can be a term used to the point that it means nothing anymore, but, said another way, just pay attention to what you're doing when you wash. Handwashing is such an automatic action that it's easy for our minds to wander and then when we are drying off we wonder if we used enough soap, covered certain spots, etc. Make sure you do it right the first time and then if you still have nagging doubts you can dismiss them as a byproduct of anxiety, knowing that you did in fact do what was needed to stay healthy.

    If you find yourself washing a lot because of real potential exposures, maybe wear gloves for some activities to cut down on the washing. You can also think about what tasks you need to do and then do all the 'dirty' ones at once so you only have to wash once.

    If you're washing as a result of anxiety, you need to sit down and think about what activities are real exposures, and which ones are probably safe. Resist washing after the safe ones. If you need motivation, remember that if you wash to the point that your skin cracks and bleeds, you've actually increased the chance of germs getting into your system.

    Also it probably goes without saying, but moisturize frequently.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: OCD and handwashing/cleaning in overdrive, any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by MothFir View Post
    If this is happening try to wash your hands more 'mindfully.' That can be a term used to the point that it means nothing anymore, but, said another way, just pay attention to what you're doing when you wash. Handwashing is such an automatic action that it's easy for our minds to wander and then when we are drying off we wonder if we used enough soap, covered certain spots, etc. Make sure you do it right the first time and then if you still have nagging doubts you can dismiss them as a byproduct of anxiety, knowing that you did in fact do what was needed to stay healthy.

    If you find yourself washing a lot because of real potential exposures, maybe wear gloves for some activities to cut down on the washing. You can also think about what tasks you need to do and then do all the 'dirty' ones at once so you only have to wash once.

    If you're washing as a result of anxiety, you need to sit down and think about what activities are real exposures, and which ones are probably safe. Resist washing after the safe ones. If you need motivation, remember that if you wash to the point that your skin cracks and bleeds, you've actually increased the chance of germs getting into your system.

    Also it probably goes without saying, but moisturize frequently.
    Yes, this is being lost within the current environment. The authorities are not authorising OCD levels of hand washing. That compulsive behaviour latching onto a crisis to justify itself is a negative behaviour, part of the OCD cycle. There is a big different between when you need to wash your hands and when the OCD mind is telling you to obsessively do it.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: OCD and handwashing/cleaning in overdrive, any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by glassgirlw View Post
    If I’m being completely honest, I’m the same right now lol. It’s rough. Hands are seriously red and dry and hurt from the excessive hand washing. I’ve never had OCD tendencies before at least none that I recognize as being disruptive to my daily life. But now it’s like I think about everything I touch and have to sanitize immediately afterward, especially since I’m still working and around other people albeit at a distance lol. I will admit it’s a little out of control right now but then the other side of me feels like this is one thing I can have control over - my hygiene. Once this is all blown over and CV becomes just another virus, I’m hoping it won’t be terribly difficult to pull out of this loop. But right now it just doesn’t concern me enough to worry about it I guess. No advice for you really just wanted to say you’re not alone!!
    Glassgirl, I can't remember how your anxiety affects you at the moment. But if you have HA themes there is a good chance it's OCD anyway since many on here will have OCD rather than hypochondria. And the thing with OCD is that it's a very wide spectrum of possible themes. Some stick to a few, others roam more freely.

    It makes sense, if this is the case, that new obsessions and compulsions can turn to the theme of the current crisis. Obsessive handwashing or compulsive hand washing.

    But cleaning themes are only one of a many possible themes in OCD. They are one of a few themes traditional viewed as what OCD is about so people are bound to think this in the current crisis and I'm sure we will see celebs saying they are 'a bit OCD' for a while and so forth too when it's just a bit of obsessiveness that anyone can experience. So, it could even be that your anxiety levels are increased and, like anyone without OCD or anxiety, you might experience a bit of skewed focus towards cleanliness. This doesn't have to mean it's out of control and with a bit of reigning it in you might see it change very quickly.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

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