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Thread: Health anxiety flare about everything due to coronavirus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Health anxiety flare about everything due to coronavirus


    My health anxiety has been really bad since January thanks to bushfires/smoke and now coronavirus.

    I'm worried about the virus, but it's like all my other health anxiety worries have decided to revisit my mind and body x 1000

    Not being able to see my GP or get tests and treatments for health issues other than coronavirus is panicking me big time.

    Anyone else? Any coping strategies?

    I'm limiting social media and trying to read more fiction to keep my mind off it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Health anxiety flare about everything due to coronavirus

    Hi Carrie. I am feeling the same way. As a person with Health Anxiety anyway I thought I would be able to weather the storm a bit better (like others have mentioned they are less concerned) but I have spent yesterday, last night and today so far in raw panic.

    I am going to try to mediate today, and really try hard not to look at the news, have deleted Facebook etc. I’ve also asked my partner not to tell me anything about it today.

    I hope you get some relief soon. Following to see how others are helping themselves cope.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Health anxiety flare about everything due to coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by Cece6 View Post
    Hi Carrie. I am feeling the same way. As a person with Health Anxiety anyway I thought I would be able to weather the storm a bit better (like others have mentioned they are less concerned) but I have spent yesterday, last night and today so far in raw panic.

    I am going to try to mediate today, and really try hard not to look at the news, have deleted Facebook etc. I’ve also asked my partner not to tell me anything about it today.

    I hope you get some relief soon. Following to see how others are helping themselves cope.
    I think that's most certainly a wise move, as IMO social media can often be more damaging to people even in the better of times where there is a lot of highly opinionated misinformation, gossip, nonsensical 'memes', etc, often being posted that can be detrimental to one's mental health. That's why I have never been active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

    Also, avoid the likes of the Fail, Depress, Scum, etc like the plague!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Health anxiety flare about everything due to coronavirus

    I feel sorry for all the people that are coming to health anxiety now. A lot of us have experience of it and sort of understand it, but for people who have never had it before it will very scary.

    Have you looked at lists of symptoms for anxiety? Oddly I used to find that quite reassuring, I could just tick things off and know it was due to worry.

    Have you ever used any methods before to help you? Like relaxation or mindfulness?

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