My HA has been rampant since just before xmas. It all started when I got a boil on my breast and triggered everything all over again. Prior to that I was HA free for a blissful 10 years.
So, since Xmas I have been in full melt down and was having daily panic attacks and pretty much got to the point of being manic with my thoughts and catastrophizing about 1.5months avo. I have been seeing a psychologist and am on meds again. I am feeling so much more balanced and rational, however what keeps triggering my HA is any form of ongoing pain. I feel like that isn’t unique, and can be triggering for many of us.

Basically I have been having the following
- lower back pain / discomfort - it is there most days but I have to say it does go away sometimes and boy do I feel great when it’s not there, I feel normal
- past couple of weeks I keep getting chills throughout the day with no fever
- on and off nausea, not long lasting
- some discomfort in my tummy, I wouldn’t say it’s a pain feeling
- loose stools at times, they seemed to go back to more normal once I started the meds and have gone a bit strange again this week as I think I’ve been a bit more anxious perhaps?

Basically, all of this combined just makes me feel uncomfortable and is really stopping me from recovering. I have to say the lower back discomfort is the biggest trigger and I am having this fight with myself on what is real and what is anxiety. I am really struggling with this. I know how powerful the mind can be. I mean this is coming from the girl who convinced herself I had something wrong with my breast due to the boil, hand on heart kept feeling pains etc in the breast, to then have an ultrasound and everything be ok. So I totally get how powerful the mind is, and I feel like I am doing a good job at the moment as I am not googling etc but it doesn’t help my brain wander off and think the worse that something is happening.

If you made it this far, thank you. I guess I am just seeking some support and empathy. I really am so proud of myself and how far I have come in these past 3 months, just feeling a bit low this week.