Hi all. I'm going through the ALS fear too. It started with these small jerks of my head (only noticeable to myself) and then random twitching all over my body at random times. I also feel extremely weak and shaky, and random muscles seem to move at random times. I phoned my doc the other day to increase my anxiety medication... He said it sounded like anxiety symptoms and he said he didn't think it sounded like ALS. Obviously I'm still expecting more symptoms to develop. I can totally relate to all your posts, especially when you saw the neurologist and he said "Could I be wrong, yes". That would've triggered me to freak out too. I had weird anxiety dreams all last night and night before about me being in the doctors surgery and I kept asking them for reassurance it isn't ALS.... Feel so drained :( My body is even twitching as I'm typing this. *sigh*