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Thread: I overcame my anxiety, and you can too.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Red face I overcame my anxiety, and you can too.

    Hi everyone!

    I forgot about this account for a while and came across it today. I've submitted a request to delete my account because I've been doing great and don't really log on much anymore, but I thought I'd make one last post on here.

    I suffered from anxiety, panic disorder, eating disorders, OCD, depression, and agoraphobia on and off for about 7 years. As I'm typing this now, I can happily say that I have overcome almost all of my issues. Sure, every now and then I can get a bit anxious or down, but it's nothing like what it used to be. For anyone that is going through something difficult right now, please know that it does get better. So much better! You wouldn't believe how many times I have broken down entirely, sitting alone and crying, wondering if my life will ever feel normal or okay. I thought I would be stuck feeling the way I did forever. I truly did not see any sort of light at the end of the tunnel, and I let my issues consume me and push me down even further.

    It can take a long time to feel "normal" again, but even when you do, remember that it's unlikely that you'll be 100% anxiety-free right away. It takes a lot of time, effort, hope, and consistency. Please do not give up, even on your worst days. It's okay to give yourself a break every now and then, but never give up the hope that things will be alright for you. It's so crazy looking back at how I used to feel and looking at my life now. It has changed completely and I didn't even notice it at first. It took small little moments for me to sit back and realize that I have come so far, like finally driving out of the city for a trip by myself without even thinking twice about it. A year or two ago, just the thought would leave me absolutely crippled because of my agoraphobia. Things like going to the university for long days, eating in front of other people, being in situations where I had panic attacks before - hardly any of this affects me anymore. I didn't notice it because it was such a gradual change, but looking back, I can say that I am so incredibly proud of how far I have come. I hope that anyone reading this in search of some kind of hope or sign will feel this way someday too!

    I thought I might include a list of some things that helped me over the years. Keep in mind, these things worked for me; they may not necessarily work for you in the same way, so take it with a grain of salt. But these are some things that really got me through my worst days:

    - Therapy/counselling (it took some time to find a great counsellor that I connected with)
    - Group therapy: my therapist at my first year in university recommended this and I thought I would hate it, but it was one of the most influential things I ever did to this day. It was an anxiety support group and we met once every couple weeks on campus in the evening and I met a guy there who had the exact same issues as me, and it felt so nice to have someone there for me who really understood.
    - Self-help books: When Panic Attacks by Dr. David Burns (great for anxiety/panic disorder), Brain Lock by Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz (OCD)
    - Other books about happiness/life/positivity: The Happiness Equation, The Happiness Project, You Are a Badass
    - Exercise: find something that you enjoy, don't ever do some kind of exercise if you don't have fun with it and it feels like a chore (I personally like tennis, skiing, biking, spin classes, circuit/HIIT, yoga, swimming, the Nike Training Club app)
    - Meditation: I like the Headspace and Calm apps
    - Keeping track of my mood: Sanvello app
    - Journalling
    - Gratitude: I try to list 5-10 things I'm grateful for everyday, no matter how small
    - Making my bed every single morning no matter what
    - Essential oils: lavender is nice and calming
    - Seeing a somnologist & sleep nurse about my sleep issues
    - Volunteering & helping others: a great way to refocus your energy
    - Yoga: I like Yoga with Adriene on YouTube
    - Breathing techniques
    - Motivational podcasts
    - Splashing some cold water on my face (or wrists, if I couldn't get my face wet in public or something lol) when I felt panicky
    - Centre for Clinical Interventions: great website with a ton of free resources (
    - Grounding during an anxiety/panic attack: 5 things you can see, 4 you can feel, 3 you can hear, 2 you can smell, 1 you can taste
    - Making lists: to-do lists, things you're excited about, things that make you happy to think about, your favourite people/places/things, etc.
    - Making a "toolkit": make a list of the things that you know work for you when you're feeling off, down, anxious, etc.

    Sorry for the long read, I hope this can help at least one person out there. Just know that you are special, important, strong, and resilient, and you will get through whatever you may be going through one way or another. It takes time and patience but just please don't give up. You will be alright.

    Sending all of my love! And remember: "If you keep your face to the sunshine you cannot see your shadow."

  2. #2
    KK77's Avatar
    KK77 is offline NMP Complaints Mismanagement Controller
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: I overcame my anxiety, and you can too.

    What a positive and informative post!

    You should definitely keep account open and stay around

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: I overcame my anxiety, and you can too.

    Thank you for sharing. You’ve given great advice. I hope people take it.
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: I overcame my anxiety, and you can too.

    Brain Lock by Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz (OCD)" i'm always recommending this guy. There a brilliant talk he gave in the UK once.

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