As a kid I would always cry whenever I was in trouble or if someone was mean to me or if an adult shouted at me. Always been a massive sensitive softie and it’s carried on into my adulthood. When I started my first job at a shoe shop when I was 19 my manager was a b*tch and would get at me almost every day, and I would always cry in front of my coworkers. It’ll come and i won’t be able to stop it’s, it’s almost like a fight or flight reaction.
So lately it’s been a problem as sometimes (not often) my boyfriend gets mad at me for stuff, like if I’m taking to him while he’s trying to play video games and he’ll snap at me. Usually it’s not even bad, like he’ll just get slightly mad and I’ll just end up in tears. I want to just be able to tell him 'don't talk to me like that' but in the moment I just crumple up, go really really quiet and then start crying and I can't stop for ages.
I just want to stop being such a baby and just toughen up because I hate doing it. How can I do this?