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Thread: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    Does anyone ever feel a bit uneasy whenever they enter a building or specific rooms within a given building (or house)?
    Yeah, and it works the other way too. I chose my present house (at the time, a shithole) due to the good vibe I got when I walked in to view on the first occasion and twice more before we put the offer in..

    I don't really buy into the paranormal, etc
    I do buy into it and it's hard not to when you've been feet away from a child (who doesn't belong in your house) and who appears to have no bottom half!

    When it comes to how buildings 'feel' - we're all energy and it makes sense to me that we leave traces of our energetic 'essence' behind - especially if there was trauma involved.

    but sometimes I have been known to feel a little uncomfortable entering certain rooms for no apparent reason and even seemingly innocuous fixtures and fittings within the given room (especially toilets) have been known to give me the heebies (e.g. arrays of exposed water pipes) and even certain odours, etc. Also places that would normally be a hive of activity during the day but completely desolate of an evening (e.g, certain workplaces, schools, parts of hospitals, etc) tend to make me feel a bit creeped out.
    Most places get a case of the creepies when it's dark..

    I had a friend and I visited her house one day and I felt crap. Couldn't understand why as I was fine when I went in. Turns out there had been a fire in that house and the previous occupant had died in one of the bedrooms. On another occasion she gave me the 'grand tour' and as soon as I went upstairs I knew which room the bloke had carked it in (despite it being a summer's day in a south facing room) because the atmosphere felt similar as it used to feel in my childhood bedroom where a child had died a few years earlier - the same child who I saw at the bottom of the stairs.Of course there are also autistic sensory issues and connection to memories?

    For instance, I can't look at parquet flooring without thinking of school. I was always looking at the floor and always feeling like I was about to throw up from fear so my brain remembers this..

    Maybe that's what's happening with you Len?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  2. #22
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    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Of course there are also autistic sensory issues and connection to memories?

    For instance, I can't look at parquet flooring without thinking of school. I was always looking at the floor and always feeling like I was about to throw up from fear so my brain remembers this..

    Maybe that's what's happening with you Len?
    It definitely can be at times Nora.

    I can appreciate your negative association with parquet flooring because you obviously endured painful experiences in your school hall as a child, such as assemblies (with loud singing and the headteacher screaming out 'STOP TALKING PLEEAASSE!'), PE lessons (a classic trigger for many), and of course, school dinners, whose experiences have damaged a lot of us Auties all the more over the years (including myself).

    Ironically, the corridors and main hall of my day centre have parquet flooring ('herringbone' pattern-type) typical of school halls, but they don't bother me in the slightest. In fact they actually remind me of recording studios, though the variant of such flooring with the 'basket-weave'-type pattern tends to be most common in such places.

  3. #23
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    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    PE lessons (a classic trigger for many), and of course, school dinners, whose experiences have damaged a lot of us Auties all the more over the years (including myself).
    P.E in the school hall: The sight of black plimsoles. The smell of food and feet. The high-pitched squeak of rubber soles on polished wooden floors. Being last to be picked. My PE shorts riding up my @rse. That feeling of being 'out of control'. Of wanting to run away but not being able to break rules. Of not knowing what I'm supposed to be doing while everybody else has seemingly nailed it? That bloody whistle. That bloody bell. That bloody clock that slows time down..(school clocks always go slower than the ones at home, right?)

    I'm having flashbacks Len.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #24
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    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    P.E in the school hall: The sight of black plimsoles. The smell of food and feet. The high-pitched squeak of rubber soles on polished wooden floors. Being last to be picked. My PE shorts riding up my @rse. That feeling of being 'out of control'. Of wanting to run away but not being able to break rules. Of not knowing what I'm supposed to be doing while everybody else has seemingly nailed it? That bloody whistle. That bloody bell. That bloody clock that slows time down..(school clocks always go slower than the ones at home, right?)

    I'm having flashbacks Len.
    Soz Nora!

    I dare you to watch that Grange Hill episode from early 1981 entitled 'Nasty Mr Hicks'. Mr Hicks' was a sadistic barsteward of a PE teacher who was forever picking on Stewpot (one of the male pupil characters) and Bullet Baxter was seemingly indifferent to Hicks' misdemeanours till one day after Hicks had lied to Stewpot's mother in McClusky's office that Stewpot had got his scars through slipping on the wet floor instead of the actual vicious beatings dished out by that raving lunatic Hicks himself, Baxter did an obbo from the changing room whilst Hicks was taking the PE session in the gym where he pushed Stewpot over onto the floor, then screamed 'MR HICKS, COME 'ERE!'.

    Then Baxter pushed him into the toilet area of the changing room, gave Hicks a right-hander then he fell to the floor with Baxter saying 'Slip on the wet floor did you?'.

    Extremely shocking but rather hilarious in the end when barsteward Hicks finally got his comeuppance!

    Like I've already said in various other threads before on here, it does seem that many school buildings have been designed to intimidate and humiliate, either deliberately or by coincidence, and seemed to design in opportunities for bullying, vandalism, etc, rather than design them out, especially schools built in the 60s-80s era.

    Also Nora, if you don't mind me asking, what were your experiences with school meals back in the day?

  5. #25
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    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    Soz Nora!

    I dare you to watch that Grange Hill episode from early 1981 entitled 'Nasty Mr Hicks'. Mr Hicks' was a sadistic barsteward of a PE teacher who was forever picking on Stewpot (one of the male pupil characters) and Bullet Baxter was seemingly indifferent to Hicks' misdemeanours till one day after Hicks had lied to Stewpot's mother in McClusky's office that Stewpot had got his scars through slipping on the wet floor instead of the actual vicious beatings dished out by that raving lunatic Hicks himself, Baxter did an obbo from the changing room whilst Hicks was taking the PE session in the gym where he pushed Stewpot over onto the floor, then screamed 'MR HICKS, COME 'ERE!'.

    Then Baxter pushed him into the toilet area of the changing room, gave Hicks a right-hander then he fell to the floor with Baxter saying 'Slip on the wet floor did you?'.
    I did try watching Grange Hill again (on Britbox) and I got a few episodes in before I realised that my eye twitch had kicked in.

    Also Nora, if you don't mind me asking, what were your experiences with school meals back in the day?
    I didn't eat. I just sat there and tried my best not to vomit. I was slightly fascinated by the colourful custards though..

    I suffered on like this until I was about 8 and then my mum (no doubt on an economy drive) asked if I would prefer to take sandwiches? (I'd never thought to ask myself. )

    Still had to sit in the canteen and cope with the smells and the noise but at least I could drink my tea and nibble at a Penguin biscuit albeit feeling like I was trying to swallow razor blades. Sandwiches were too big of an ask for my delicate tum-tum - which is why it was always making horrific gurgling noises that everybody could hear..

    I used to look around at the other kids scoffing their food and they looked like they were enjoying it whereas I just wanted to die. At my son's specialist school they have the main dining room and a quieter room for kids who can't handle the main room, or who just need some quiet time. Had I have had a similar option when I was at school, I might have actually eaten something..

    My first day of school? I remember being led into the canteen. The smell was overpowering. The noise was deafening and I felt sick. I ate nothing. And I got told off..

    I'd just spent the last five years in my own little world watching Pipkins and eating spaghetti hoops for my dinner. One day my mother walks me down to this strange building full of noisy kids and a lady with a very LOUD voice. Mum sits with me at a table for a few minutes, then she gets up and leaves without me and I wasn't allowed to go with her? I was traumatised!
    Last edited by NoraB; 28-09-21 at 08:48.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #26
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    Mar 2020

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    I did try watching Grange Hill again (on Britbox) and I got a few episodes in before I realised that my eye twitch had kicked in.

    I didn't eat. I just sat there and tried my best not to vomit. I was slightly fascinated by the colourful custards though..

    I suffered on like this until I was about 8 and then my mum (no doubt on an economy drive) asked if I would prefer to take sandwiches? (I'd never thought to ask myself. )

    Still had to sit in the canteen and cope with the smells and the noise but at least I could drink my tea and nibble at a Penguin biscuit albeit feeling like I was trying to swallow razor blades. Sandwiches were too big of an ask for my delicate tum-tum - which is why it was always making horrific gurgling noises that everybody could hear..

    I used to look around at the other kids scoffing their food and they looked like they were enjoying it whereas I just wanted to die. At my son's specialist school they have the main dining room and a quieter room for kids who can't handle the main room, or who just need some quiet time. Had I have had a similar option when I was at school, I might have actually eaten something..

    My first day of school? I remember being led into the canteen. The smell was overpowering. The noise was deafening and I felt sick. I ate nothing. And I got told off..

    I'd just spent the last five years in my own little world watching Pipkins and eating spaghetti hoops for my dinner. One day my mother walks me down to this strange building full of noisy kids and a lady with a very LOUD voice. Mum sits with me at a table for a few minutes, then she gets up and leaves without me and I wasn't allowed to go with her? I was traumatised!
    Similar to my school meals nightmare Nora, which caused me to attend a residential school for 2 and a half years, in which I had to endure all kinds of other mental hell on earth, and what would be considered abuse by today's standards.

    Even dedicated 'special' schools didn't appear to, or seemingly even care to understand us Auties back then. As far as the staff in a lot of such places were concerned, we were simply naughty boys/girls who needed to be taught a lesson, often the hard way!

    In fact, quite a few people with non-LDs who were children back in the 60s, 70s and 80s in particular have told of their school meal horror stories, especially on the old Digital Spy forum, but most kids back then tended not to discuss such issues, especially as they often weren't listened to.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Primary school lunches in the 70's were just awful. I remember being in the first sitting and refusing to eat liver and onions and being forced to sit at a table on my own through the second sitting with the cold food in front of me and miss playtime. Devastating at a young age.

  8. #28
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    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Quote Originally Posted by Catkins View Post
    Primary school lunches in the 70's were just awful. I remember being in the first sitting and refusing to eat liver and onions and being forced to sit at a table on my own through the second sitting with the cold food in front of me and miss playtime. Devastating at a young age.
    Liver? YUK!!

    Horrible, horrible stuff.

    Absolutely appalling and hideous treatment you were on the receiving end of there Catkins.

    And those who hark back to those times with rose-tinted specs saying 'It never did me no harm', 'It kept me on the straight and narrow', 'look at the bloody kids today, more out of control than ever before', etc, really fill me with rage!

    After all, food is NOT a disciplinary/punishment thing, and whilst I do agree that kids should try to eat healthier foods more within reasonable amounts, forcing them against their will to eat stuff they absolutely cannot stand is tantamount to both physical and emotional abuse IMO, especially if they have genuine intolerances to certain foods/drinks.

    But back then most people in charge of kids didn't seem to care and often didn't even give it as much as a second thought.

  9. #29
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    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    I’m pretty open minded about paranormal things as there have been things in my past I couldn’t explain , we have a house that we have let both of our daughters rent at different times , it’s a complicated set up and the house was empty for many years ,I have felt uneasy upstairs in this house since day one , we got in contact with the previous owner and she said the place gives her nightmares but wouldn’t say why , I’ve slept in the house many times and always feel watched for some reason , both of my daughters say it’s haunted and my brother did some work on it and said the upstairs hallway freaked him out , I now use the house for storage and work in it sometimes , what i do now and it may sound odd , when I go in I say hello house and touch the wall , yeah I know nuts but it makes me feel more comfortable in there .
    I also go in derelict buildings with my dog when I travel places , some have happy vibes and some make me feel the need for the nearest toilet ( fight or flight empty you bowls to run faster ) , I don’t see why a building can’t hold memories like a piece of magnetic tape or a memory stick , can you imagine showing someone an MP3 player a couple of hundred years ago ?they'd have burnt you for being a witch , there is so much don’t dont or can’t understand , I met a chap who records empty rooms and swears they’ve are voices but I also know a guy who swears Elvis works in our chippy .
    Loose parquet flooring with sick and sawdust with a hint of Detol , Happy memories , Not .

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    The only buildings that give me the creeps are old vacant asylums and hospitals. Quite a lot of them taken over by developers in the 80s and 90s when the former inhabitants were turfed out into the 'care of the community' ... most were turned into luxury flat blocks. How anyone could want to live in those places and pay top dollar for them is beyond me. I suppose it must the association of ideas with me.

    Some buildings do give off 'vibes' though. I remember when I was a child and my parents went to view a lovely old gate house which was up for sale. When we approached the bulding I backed off down the path and refused to go inside, and had a nightmare about the place. My parents didn't buy that place!

    Strangely I feel totally comfortable in old graveyards which are quite peaceful places.

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