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Thread: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    I think both of these phenomenon - the spooky deserted place that is normally busy, and the dark and scary fixtures/architecture - are common, because they are used for atmosphere in scary video games and movies.

    I work in a school, and I've had many co-workers tell me they are creeped out by our building when it is empty in the evening. I even had a co-worker claim the place was haunted, but I never saw anything. It doesn't bother me at all, but then I used to work by myself in old buildings downtown, so I'm used to it. The only odd thing I've had happen was that once I heard someone bouncing a basketball in the gym, but when I looked to see who it was, there was no one there. Whoever it was left awfully quietly.

    I totally understand what you mean about certain architecture being sort of menacing. And there was this big discussion online between people who were frightened as a child of those toilets that have the high water tanks up near the ceiling. I can't imagine potty training a small child with one of those!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky16 View Post
    I think both of these phenomenon - the spooky deserted place that is normally busy, and the dark and scary fixtures/architecture - are common, because they are used for atmosphere in scary video games and movies.

    I work in a school, and I've had many co-workers tell me they are creeped out by our building when it is empty in the evening. I even had a co-worker claim the place was haunted, but I never saw anything. It doesn't bother me at all, but then I used to work by myself in old buildings downtown, so I'm used to it. The only odd thing I've had happen was that once I heard someone bouncing a basketball in the gym, but when I looked to see who it was, there was no one there. Whoever it was left awfully quietly.

    I totally understand what you mean about certain architecture being sort of menacing. And there was this big discussion online between people who were frightened as a child of those toilets that have the high water tanks up near the ceiling. I can't imagine potty training a small child with one of those!
    I was never really frightened of the high-level cisterns as such, more the loud shushing noises that the cisterns emitted during the post-flush refill cycle (and the same sounds resonating through the accompanying pipework), which can also happen with the low-level types that have generally been the norm since the 60s or so (at least here in the UK).

    There used to be a horrible underground public toilet block in our town centre that was very dimly lit with low-wattage bulbs (and obviously windowless) with those circular vandal-proof light fittings with a screwed cover to protect the bulbs, and the bulb in the light fitting covering the two cubicles in the Gents was often not working (our local council often never bothered to replaced it) and those cubicles consequently in virtual darkness. The toilet fixtures were ancient and had high-level cisterns with full exposed pipework, and both cubicles had black plastic open-front type seats. The walls throughout the Gents were plastered head to toe with graffiti and the place was filthy and reeked to high heaven. I was terrified of entering those toilets even when my dad was in there with me, and even if just using the slab urinal, which was closer to the entrance/exit door.

    I hated using those toilets so much that when our local council finally closed them down around 1987 (I think), I instantly breathed a sigh of relief!!

    The only toilet block left in our town centre after then was (and still is) the far, far superior modern one in the main shopping centre, that has ironically been refurbished about three times since then. Clean with no stench, well-lit with proper light fittings and all in full working order, all plumbing completely boxed in, and no signs of any graffiti/ vandalism.

    Such inhumane facilities like that aforementioned horrid, not fit for purpose, underground toilet block would never be allowed to exist in these 'health and safety'-conscious times, and quite rightly so IMO.
    Last edited by Lencoboy; 13-05-20 at 17:14.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Not necessarily strange vibe-related as such, but more odour-related. I really don't like cheese shops, butcher's shops, and certain 'old-school' cafes. Also being in certain kitchens with strong odours makes me feel a tad uncomfortable.

  4. #14

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    There were several rooms where I felt uncomfortable. As a rule, I just try not to come there a second time or to come to a big company. It may seem silly, but I believe in angels and the other world. Sometimes it intersects so close that we can feel it. And the number of angels? Have you tried to notice them? I checked once at 101 meaning. It made me think. Sometimes I ask a question within myself and pay attention to the numbers. It is like an answer. Why do such coincidences occur? I dont know. I am far from extrasensory perception and other things. I am an ordinary person. I just believe that there is another layer of the world.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    I spent a week in jail one night. I had some bad vibes in that room!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Quote Originally Posted by Noivous View Post
    I spent a week in jail one night. I had some bad vibes in that room!
    Hardly surprising!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Quote Originally Posted by lencoboy View Post
    hardly surprising!
    lol! Touche!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    When I was 18 years old, my mum and stepdad decided to look for a new house together. They had only been living together for a few months at this point. We visited 3 or 4 different houses in total, all within about a mile of home.

    One of the houses looked really nice from the outside and we were all very eager to have a look around. We got an appointment with the estate agent to visit, but as soon as I walked inside the house, I noticed this awful cold oppressive feeling. It was early summer, so there was no reason why I should have felt so cold. Something just didn't feel right about the place, but I wasn't sure what. The feeling followed me to every room. Eventually we went upstairs and I looked around what would have been my bedroom. The room itself looked quite nice and was a reasonable size, but I had this weird feeling that I wouldn't like to stay in there on my own while my parents were out at work!

    I had a weird feeling that the house might be haunted, but as I had only known my stepdad for a few months at that point, I was too scared to say anything as I didn't know how he'd react or whether he would think I'm crazy!

    I didn't know anything about the owner of the house. With all the other houses we'd visited, the owners had been there to help show us around. But in this creepy house, it was just the 3 of us and the estate agent. This makes me wonder whether the owner had died.

    My mum and stepdad never mentioned feeling weird in the house, and a while later they did put in an offer for it, but to my relief, it turned out they were too late and someone else had already had their offer accepted.

    A few years later, when I felt a lot closer to my stepdad and felt able to talk to him about pretty much anything, I did mention my feelings about that house. He said that he never noticed anything weird about it, although he had experienced a couple of other paranormal events at other places when he was younger so he didn't dismiss me completely.

    About 10 years ago, when I was getting a taxi home with some other people, we drove past that creepy house and a woman in the taxi shuddered and mentioned how she gets bad feelings whenever she goes past that section of the road, as she has bad memories from there. I didn't know the woman very well so I didn't like to ask her what had happened. So now I think something awful probably did happen in that house (or maybe in the neighbouring houses).

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    Another lengthy essay of my past I will probably bore you all to death with coming up!!

    I'm sure I've already mentioned this before in another thread on here, but back in the very early 90s (due to my AS) I remember having respite care at this County Council-run unit in a neighbouring town for children with disabilities between the ages of 0-18 and a maximum capacity of about 8 clients staying there at the same time. (This was in mid-1990 to early 1991 and I was 13 at the time).

    Although the building itself was first constructed around the mid-70s or so, it was pretty grim-looking architecturally from the outside, with its mono-pitched roofs and slanted upper front fascias, and of a similar architectural style to many of the notorious Radburn-style council estates built throughout the UK around the very same era.

    The building's central heating machinery used to emit a horrible creepy groaning sound periodically throught the day, which was probably some kind of water hammer caused by a feeder tank with a dodgy ball valve refilling at periodical intervals throughout the day and the noise lasted approximately 5 minutes.

    Luckily the noise was only audible within the immediate vicinity of the boiler and its accompanying equipment and not in any of the bedrooms, nor through any of the radiators throughout the building. That noise really used to give me the creeps!!

    Another room/area within the same building (on the first floor), but right up the opposite end of the building (and well away from the noisy boiler) that also made me feel a bit uneasy was a passageway/lobby leading to a fire escape, and was also where the dumbwaiter (small lift for transporting meals prepared in the kitchen immediately underneath) terminated and was accessed from.

    The light fittings in said room/area were unshaded batten holders with bare old-style incandescent light bulbs identical to those in the downstairs toilet and rear store cupboard in the house I lived in from the age of 1 1/2 to 7 3/4, which obviously reminded me of my early childhood, coupled with the fact that I sometimes had the misfortune of having to stay there at the same time as babies/toddlers, which inevitably provoked further flashbacks to how I was or might have been at their age.

    I remember having an intense dislike of custard at that time for some strange reason, not necessarily the taste as such but probably more of a 'food fad', fuelled by 'oddball' associations, and the fact that custard was passed through that particular room/area also gave me the heebies a bit. It also possessed a bit of a musty aroma, coupled with the stench of cigarette smoke wafting from the office just a couple of doors opposite across the corridor where some of the staff used to light up with the office door wedged wide open, and without even a second thought for us clients (and non-smoking staff members), which of course would be totally unthinkable nowadays!!

    That place eventually closed down and got razed to the ground sometime in the mid-late 2000s, as the building was considered haphazard, poorly designed and built, and no longer fit for purpose in the 21st Century.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Buildings/rooms with odd vibes

    This thread was actually influenced by a thread on the old Digital Spy forum from 2017 entitled 'Can a house have bad vibes?', which I found really interesting at the time, despite some of the usual venom from certain posters.

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