Hiya all,

Please could I ask you a favour?

You may have noticed that our friends from South Korea are back and spamming a few times per week.

Admins catch these as soon as we come online, but sometimes this isn't before the spammer has totally swamped the forum with 300+ posts.

We can delete a certain amount all in one go but the others we have to delete one by one..... which I am sure you can appreciate takes a long time

Obviously that is our job as admins but.......

If you see south Korean Spam (you will know what it is) please could you use the report feature to report it.

The reason being that it will then send an email to all of the Admins who then may be able to come online earlier and splat the spammer before it gets to the stage of us having to delete each post individually.

Thank you so much

Emmz x