Hello again,

Wow, this month has been really bad with HA. I am jumping from one thing to the next, feels like every week its something new.

This time around its pain around my left cheekbone. It hurts as if its bruised or something. Pain comes and goes, and it kind of feels like it radiates to my left jaw, nose and around the left eye. Don’t really have any other symptom besides that at the moment. Ive had it for about a week now, so not sure what to think of it..

I do feel like I have post nasal drip, but im not sure. I keep checking my face to see if its swollen, as it feels like it is. Its driving me insane, as I always come to the worse possible conclusion. Has anybody experienced something similar? I’ve read it could be sinus related, but it scares me as I think it could be a tumour or something...

Thanks for reading!
