I wasn稚 too sure what happened I was fast asleep and the next thing I know I知 on the floor scared unable to breathe screaming for my mum. My mum came and she was super calm and super amazing she reassured me I was ok and told me to breathe. I was terrified breathing deep in the floor I have no idea how long for. Her staying calm reassured me I was ok had she been panicking or phoning an ambulance it would have made it worse. As my panic attack subsided and I tried to sit up I was uncontrollably shaking and crying she held me and reassured me all the way through.
What I have to say from this is even at 31 even after a million panic attacks they still can take you by surprise and be just as scary as the first every single time! Having someone stay calm with you can really help but even if you are alone have a plan in your pocket for who you can call.
To all of us who have these horrific panic attacks your not alone and your super brave! And thanks to our amygdalas for doing such an awesome job for keeping us alive! However I値l just take the sabre tooth Tigre on his own please......

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