Hi all. I have just spent weeks looking for comfort whilst knowing i need to ‘increase’ my citalopram dosage after 6 years on 20mg...so i thought i would share my little diary and update you all, in hope it gives comfort to others. Hope that makes sense!
I have suffered all my life and had a break down 6 years ago with acute anxiety. The past six years have been ok with attacks happening roughly a few times a month.
Over the past year i have been going downhill to the point if i know a food time is coming i am ready to vomit...knowing i need to leave the house i am ready to vomit. All day with my heart in my mouth. Anyway, im sure most understand. Not nice. So i plucked up the courage to speak to my doctor and increase 10mg citalopram to 30mg. Scared to death of the side effects but im almost there after taking for a few days......anyhow my diary so far increasing my citalopram....

*Before i started the increase i got some anti sickness from my doctor after last time, highly recommended*

Tablet 1 - Taken after tea. No effects after taking and in to the next day. Still very anxious from my original anxiety.

Tablet 2 - Slight nausea upon waking up. Can start to feel a difference in my anxiety. A 20% reduction in my anxiety. Feels as if my heart beat is slowing.

Tablet 3 - Again slight nausea when waking up. A bit of toast has done the trick. Feel very tired as if i cant to anything, however with a push i can do anything, really strange. Irritability and anxiety reduced even more. Slight head zaps today too. Surviving!

Tablet 4 to be taken this evening... wish me luck!!!