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Thread: Anxiety has come back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Anxiety has come back

    Hi everyone

    My anxiety has come back. I have had anxiety and then panic attacks for the last four days.
    When lock down happened i came off my meds completely although before that i had cut right down and was only taking 50mg Sertraline every 3 days

    I am panicking about something to do with my own body. I get this odd, fausty taste in my mouth when i yawn/eat/move my neck in a certain way. I think it might be something to do with my tonsils (i have researched it a lot)
    Anyway this taste/smell in my sinuses is triggering my anxiety and for me the scary thing is is there is nothing i can do about it
    I think that is what is terrifying me

    The thing is i have always lived with this 'taste' and i suspect it is probably a normal thing for some other people. I know it isn't hurting me, it's just a normal human body thing BUT my mind just starts getting into these cycles of irrational thoughts and it descends into panic

    I have started taking 50mg of sertraline again on Saturday and again today. I am reminded how horrible anxiety is and living without it briefly was bliss
    I don't know it i will ever get over this. My mind is naturally negative. I am trying to turn my thoughts around into positives but it is so difficult when your head goes straight to a negative place

    Thanks for listening


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Anxiety has come back

    Hi there.

    First of all I’m so sorry you are going through this. Anxiety is a beast and when one is in the thick of it, it feels so awful.

    I think that with the lockdown/COVID business, many people’s anxieties have shifted up a gear, but you’ve done the right thing in seeking out help in the form of medication.

    I share your fear of never ‘getting rid’ of anxiety, and maybe we’re thinking about it the wrong way? Maybe we cannot ever be anxiety free, but what we can have is appropriate, well managed anxiety which doesn’t hold us back.

    Hoping you have a better day tomorrow - this too shall pass! x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Anxiety has come back

    Many thanks for your response, i am feeling a bit better but mainly due to taking meds again. Not want i want but i would rather be on meds than be anxious all the time. I hope you are doing OK as well : )

  4. #4

    Re: Anxiety has come back

    Anxiety returning is the worst and I am sorry you are experiencing this. Reading further down the post it looks like things are getting better. I am glad for that! Hang in there. I am in the same shape. Mine returned full force today after a 4 year hiatus. UGH!!! But I know why- I am getting married in two days and my brother (sexually and physically abused me as a child) will be there. I was hoping the 'rona would keep him 1600 miles away. He called me first thing this morning and here I am- triggered.

    Anyway, life is weird, the world is kinda broke, and we must all go on- so I 100% feel your anxiety. We can and will survive this!!! We have before!!!!! I am here if you need to talk.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Anxiety has come back

    At least the symptoms you have described definitely AREN'T tell-tale signs of COVID-19.

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