I was just working out and had basically just started - was doing a move when I'm bent over and had to turn my neck up to look at the computer screen to see what to do next, and suddenly I saw this burst of floaters in my periphery - they lasted about 20 sec or so before disappearing. I naturally have a lot of floaters but they are subtle - these definitely interfered with my vision and were like black swirls that squiggled around my periphery in my left eye before disappearing about 20 sec later. Could this be something serious or would it just be more likely down to the quick movement of my neck? I'm feeling really stressed about it - I'm always nervous about anything eye related because I already get migraine auras occasionally which freak me out!

Also, I exercise quite a bit and have never seen this before - I have had random flashes etc during exercise at times that take a couple min or so to go away, but not floater-type swirls in my periphery. It's also a really overcast day so the bright lighting may have played a part? I'm 23 and freaking out.