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Thread: Went in a store.. several people hacking?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Went in a store.. several people hacking?

    I understand there are a lot of reasons people can cough. However, a guy passed me today absolutely hacking while approaching me. It sounded deep in his chest and everything. And then I heard several other people coughing horribly in the store. My anxiety is on an all time high. I don’t understand why they were out in public if they sound so sick. I understand allergies, swallowing wrong, etc. However, these coughs sounded horrible. Probably some of the worst I’ve ever heard in my life. I really wanted to ask them why the hell they were in the store. Then I wonder if maybe they didn’t have anyone to go to the store for them, I don’t know. There are over 100 cases in my county of 50,000. With asymptomatics who know how many there truly are. Everyone has masks on in Walmart, I tried to keep distance, but now I am freaked out and wondering if my throat hurts. ( I know, it wouldn’t happen that fast, just my nerves ) I guess I’m just really upset right now. Not to mention pissed
    Last edited by UserName20; 05-06-20 at 21:36.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Went in a store.. several people hacking?

    The past 2 days I have had somewhat of a sore throat. I don't really have other symptoms, I feel fine for the most part, but I am now very worried that I have Covid. I have been taking my temperature and it is reading 99.2-99.5. I know that these are not necessarily a fever number, but are still slightly elevated. I am also (slightly) sunburnt, not sure if that would affect it. I have contacted the hospital near me as they are offering testing through appointments, but I am still waiting to hear back from them. I am just very afraid right now that I have it and that the next few days I am going to start feeling worse. I am also worried about my family. My mom has had a pretty bad headache the last couple of days. My sister is pregnant and has asthma, I would feel terrible to get anyone sick.
    My colds always start out as sore throats, but usually only a day or so before the rest of symptoms kick in. As of right now, I feel good besides my throat and checking my temp. I am trying to remind myself that currently only 7 percent of tests for my state are positive, so there are still other illnesses going around. I have just been so careful. I stay home mostly, if I go pick up food from a restaurant I am using hand sanitizer obsessively. I guess I just don't know how I could have caught anything! Besides the guy coughing right by my mom and I at Walmart a couple of days ago of course, but right after that happened I wondered if my throat hurt, so it would not have happened that fast! Since gatherings of 10 are allowed again, I have seen my boyfriend a few times. He works in the public, and I noticed him coughing a few days ago but it was not a deep cough. He was telling me that he was just clearing his throat, but it still kinda freaked me out and I kept asking him several times if he was sure that that's all it was. I have been trying to be careful around him as well. He kind of laughs at all of the precautions I take, but I am worried about it. Plus, with so many people being asymptomatic there is really no being too careful! Right now, I am trying to focus on what I can control. I may not be able to control how I feel physically, but I can control how I respond to this. Worrying will not do anything beneficial in the end, although obviously I am having horrible anxiety and worried about dying or getting my family or others ill. I Think I'm just going to be spending a few days mainly in my room until I can get tested and have results. Time for lots of online homework and Netflix I guess!

    *I just heard back, I have an appointment at 7:30 to get tested tomorrow morning. I know it will still be a few days before I will have the results since they only do rapid tests for patients in the ER.
    Last edited by UserName20; 08-06-20 at 21:52.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: Went in a store.. several people hacking?

    One thing to bare in mind is that I get hot enough to sweat when I’m anxious. I wouldn’t be taking your temperature unless you actually feel like you have a fever, even then, you know when you have one 98.6 is the ideal temperature for adults anyway.

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    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

    But I have promises to keep,

    And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Went in a store.. several people hacking?

    Thank you! I just got back from getting the test done. I was prepared for a something horrific from all of the stories we hear, but personally it did not feel too bad! Definitely uncomfortable though which is to be expected with something that long going up your nose! My temp is reading pretty normal today. I have two thermometers. The one is reading 36.9c and the other one in Fahrenheit is reading anywhere from 98.4-99. I have noticed it I stick the one very far back under my tongue it will read 99 otherwise it will be like 98.4 or so. My throat feels pretty much okay. I think I just have myself all worked up and hyper focused on any little thing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Went in a store.. several people hacking?

    I don't in anyway condone the actions of the few sad cases who recklessly cough, hack, spit and sneeze in public places with no regard for others around them, and without covering their mouths when doing so, but just imagine all the social unrest if we had police officers waiting outside almost every shop and on almost every street corner ready to pounce on and woe betide those who did happen to cough or sneeze without being able to help it. And especially in this current climate with all the BLM protests around the world.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2016

    Re: Went in a store.. several people hacking?

    I agree that police officers should not be outside stores pouncing on anyone that coughs or sneezes. That would be insane. I sneeze a lot and I always have! I just put it down to allergies! So I understand that! The only reason I was upset with the people who were in that store was because they sounded very, very sick and the one individual walked in front of my mom and I and coughed. And I understood he was wearing a mask, but I wish he still would have coughed into his elbow. The other part of me was wondering if they live alone and have no way of getting groceries otherwise, and if that were the case that makes me sad for them. I know Throughout this time we have helped my grandma who lives alone since we don’t want her out in the stores. And even then we have mostly done grocery curbside pickups.

    I feel pretty much okay today. My throat really isn’t scratchy anymore, it feels okay mostly. My temp so far has stayed at 98.6 or lower. I have been trying to stay in my room since yesterday so I’ve been laying down on my bed a lot. Today around 11 after I got back from the testing I just have this horrible backache. It’s in my lower back. It’s like anytime I stand up or bend over or go to sit down it just hurts so bad. The only time it doesn’t hurt is when I am laying down as I have been since yesterday. I have found stretching helps a bit, but wow! Does it hurt! I’m trying not to connect this to covid, I know it could be from laying down so much. The only other explanation I have is that I pulled weeds on Friday, but this back ache came on quickly and that was 4 days ago already!

    I have to wait 3-5 days for my test results, and a big part of me just wishes they could have done the rapid test so I could have a Peace of mind, but I know they limit those to ER visitors and if someone is truly very sick of course they should be first priority. I have also heard that the rapid tests tend to not be as accurate. For now I am just in a state of panic, thinking any little twinge or thing is a confirmation that I have it.

    Then the other part of me thinking okay... so I got this test done with very mild symptoms. I have already read online that testing too early can signal a false negative. And if it comes back negative will that really, truly put my mind at ease? They even warned me while I was there about false negatives. I need to just trust whatever the result is. Like I said, I feel fine today besides the back pain, most people without anxiety would not be near as worried as I am.
    Last edited by UserName20; 09-06-20 at 19:29.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2016

    Re: Went in a store.. several people hacking?

    I don’t have a scratchy throat anymore and my temp is normal, however I am beginning to feel panicked. I read online that body aches can show who is going to have the most severe illness. My entire body doesn’t ache, it’s only my back and only when I move. I am so terrified I am going to get sick. I can’t take this stress of waiting for the results. I feel like I’m going to lose my mind.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Went in a store.. several people hacking?

    Quote Originally Posted by UserName16 View Post
    I don’t have a scratchy throat anymore and my temp is normal, however I am beginning to feel panicked. I read online that body aches can show who is going to have the most severe illness. My entire body doesn’t ache, it’s only my back and only when I move. I am so terrified I am going to get sick. I can’t take this stress of waiting for the results. I feel like I’m going to lose my mind.
    Sorry to hear you are in such a state of anxiety at the moment. I agree with you that those who appear to be ill shouldn't really be out in public places right now unless absolutely essential, whilst at the same time not being a 'police state'.

    And the 'police state' thing I am referring to is just a hypothetical scenario, and not specific to any particular country.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2016

    Re: Went in a store.. several people hacking?

    Part of me wishes I wouldn’t had that covid test done yesterday. I just keep checking the site every 10 minutes seeing if there are any results yet. I believe within 3 days it should be posted. Anytime my cell rings I am terrified wondering if it’s the health department. My local hospital is encouraging testing for everyone, even those without symptoms.

    I can’t stop checking my temperature obsessively along with my oxygen levels and my blood pressure. My thermometer reads about 98.5-98.6 but then if I push it really far into my mouth it will go up to 99.1!! Im having cramps from my time of the month and my back is still hurting me so bad since yesterday. The only thing I can think of is when I fishing the other day and I had snag so I had attempted to pull it really hard. But wouldn’t it have started that day?

    I’m 20 and I have never really had issues with my back, but my gosh, it hurts to walk or bend even the slightest bit and it is terrifying me. It’s just my lower back and it hurts to bend forward or backwards. I read online muscle pains sometimes signals a covid case becoming more severe, but I think with covid it said pain is more generalized and just not one specific spot only when I move. So I am convinced I have it because of a scratchy throat for a few days, my temp reading in the 99’s for one portion of the day two days ago, and now I am fine besides my back hurting me. Im a mess. I just keep breathing really deep to make sure I can still breathe right, and then I will feel like I can’t which makes me panic. I am so terrified of developing a cough.
    Last edited by UserName20; 10-06-20 at 19:50.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Went in a store.. several people hacking?

    You're engaging in self destructive and negative thoughts and behaviors that are feeding your anxiety. What words on a screen would actually enable you to stop this behavior? How can anyone help you or help you help yourself if you continue to shoot yourself in the foot? Other than venting and seeking reassurance, what good is posting doing for you?

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

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