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Thread: Quetiapine modified release

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Quetiapine modified release

    Hi all I started my quetiapine modified release last night dose 50mg a night for a week upping every week by 50mg until I get to 400mg. As with other meds I didn’t get tired taking these last night the tiredness hits the next day. So I took them at 10.30pm last night didn’t help me sleep til about 6am I got up at 12 noon. I now feel like a zombie eyes are watering and burry no energy feel drowsy which I expected but my real question is, as they’re modified release should I take them earlier maybe evening and not night time so that hopefully I will find that the tiredness hits when it’s meant to and not like an hour before getting up? Anyone else tried these modified release ones and have any advice? Thanks peeps.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Quetiapine modified release

    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulfreak77 View Post
    I didn’t get tired taking these last night the tiredness hits the next day. So I took them at 10.30pm last night didn’t help me sleep til about 6am I got up at 12 noon. I now feel like a zombie eyes are watering and burry no energy feel drowsy which I expected but my real question is, as they’re modified release should I take them earlier maybe evening and not night time so that hopefully I will find that the tiredness hits when it’s meant to and not like an hour before getting up?
    The problem with modified/slow/extended release formulations is the dose is released into the bloodstream continually for 24 hours so the time of day they are taken often doesn't really matter much. That said, for quetiapine XR the recommendation to reduce daytime sedation is to take it about 7-8 hours before you normally get up, but this seems not to have worked for you this time. However, a single dose probably isn't a good guide so I'd persevere with taking it at around 9:00 to 10:30 PM for a few more days.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
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    Re: Quetiapine modified release

    Hi thanks for replying, I did think does it actually matter what time but psychiatrist said still to take at night. Last night I took at 9.30pm and I was bit drowsy when I got up and that stayed until round about lunch time. So yes I may take at 9pm for few days as some of it is probably just the side effect of the tablet anyway. We have spoken before on here. May I ask your honest opinion of what you think about quetiapine, I have borderline personality disorder, GAD, agoraphobic, depression but I was/am feeling suicidal so been put on these with maybe a antidepressant being added in later. I just wondered what you thought about choice of tablet for my problem mainly the borderline personality being the problem at moment. So up and down. And I know it’s only your opinion... thanks.

  4. #4
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    Re: Quetiapine modified release

    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulfreak77 View Post
    May I ask your honest opinion of what you think about quetiapine, I have borderline personality disorder, GAD, agoraphobic, depression but I was/am feeling suicidal so been put on these with maybe a antidepressant being added in later. I just wondered what you thought about choice of tablet for my problem mainly the borderline personality being the problem at moment.
    Quetiapine is relatively benign, especially compared to other meds prescribed for your issues. Only time will tell if it is the right med for you, but it is a good starting point. Sedation is the most common side-effect. It tends to diminish after a while. Sedation might not be a bad thing for you atm. Sleep is a good healer. Just be extra cautious if doing anything potentially hazardous, especially driving.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #5
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    Re: Quetiapine modified release

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Quetiapine is relatively benign, especially compared to other meds prescribed for your issues. Only time will tell if it is the right med for you, but it is a good starting point. Sedation is the most common side-effect. It tends to diminish after a while. Sedation might not be a bad thing for you atm. Sleep is a good healer. Just be extra cautious if doing anything potentially hazardous, especially driving.

    Do you know what would be a better combination for someone with my problems then? Yes I expected to be quite tired and I don’t mind for a while but I have narcolepsy so it’s making me feel worse in that way if you get me. But maybe you’re right and I just need sleep as I don’t sleep that well. It’s just making my daytime sleepiness a lot worse. It’s okay as I have narcolepsy I can’t have a driving license anyway as it’s not under control.
    I’m not sure if it’s the quetiapine or just being so tired but my eyes are streaming everyday as if I’m crying but I’m not. Have you ever heard of that being a side effect. Sometimes it’s so bad I can’t see as eyes are so blurry from the water/tears. Thanks for your reply. I hope you’re well.

  6. #6
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    Re: Quetiapine modified release

    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulfreak77 View Post
    Do you know what would be a better combination for someone with my problems then?
    I think quetiapine is a good starting point. Only time will tell if it works for you, but there is a good chance it will. As per my previous post, quetiapine is usually fairly benign compared to other antipsychotics.

    Yes I expected to be quite tired and I don’t mind for a while but I have narcolepsy so it’s making me feel worse in that way if you get me. But maybe you’re right and I just need sleep as I don’t sleep that well. It’s just making my daytime sleepiness a lot worse. It’s okay as I have narcolepsy I can’t have a driving license anyway as it’s not under control.
    The sedation may ease as the dose increases and will diminish further as your body adjusts, but it is going to take a while.

    I’m not sure if it’s the quetiapine or just being so tired but my eyes are streaming everyday as if I’m crying but I’m not. Have you ever heard of that being a side effect. Sometimes it’s so bad I can’t see as eyes are so blurry from the water/tears.
    Quetiapine is a mild antihistamine so dry eyes (also dryness of the mouth and other mucus membrane areas) is the more common side-effect, but paradoxical reactions do occur and symptoms similar to seasonal allergy are relatively common. Having experienced dry eyes and mouth with previous ADs, I'd much prefer the reaction you're having. It may be short-lived, but if it continues mention it to your GP as there may be ways of reducing the tears.

    Are you on any other medication, or supplement?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  7. #7
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    Re: Quetiapine modified release

    Quetiapine is a mild antihistamine so dry eyes (also dryness of the mouth and other mucus membrane areas) is the more common side-effect, but paradoxical reactions do occur and symptoms similar to seasonal allergy are relatively common. Having experienced dry eyes and mouth with previous ADs, I'd much prefer the reaction you're having. It may be short-lived, but if it continues mention it to your GP as there may be ways of reducing the tears.

    Are you on any other medication, or supplement?

    i went to the chemist and they said dry eyes can cause watering eyes as your body is trying to make up for them being dry,she gave me some drops but to be honest there’s no difference yet. I’m still tired and drowsy the next day for quite a while , it’s just annoying due to being tired anyway from having narcolepsy, Altho I’m meant to start modafinil for that,I’m just scared to whilst getting used to the quetiapine I thought it best to get to my dose on quetiapine then add in the modafinil incase I got any side effects I wouldn’t know which one was causing it. As for other medication. I take cocodamol 30/500mg, diazepam 5mg 3 times a day, bisoprolol, questran, omeprazole...

  8. #8
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Quetiapine modified release

    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulfreak77 View Post
    I’m still tired and drowsy the next day for quite a while , it’s just annoying due to being tired anyway from having narcolepsy, Altho I’m meant to start modafinil for that,I’m just scared to whilst getting used to the quetiapine I thought it best to get to my dose on quetiapine then add in the modafinil incase I got any side effects I wouldn’t know which one was causing it.
    Being unable to pin down which med is responsible for a side-effect is definitely a potential problem when starting more than one med at a time. But you need to balance this against delaying getting the narcolepsy under control. It comes down to how much the narcolepsy is effective your life. If a serious issue does arise you can always stop the modafinil. It has a fairly short half-life, 12-15 hours, so stopping it should alleviate an side-effect/s within a day.

    As for other medication. I take cocodamol 30/500mg, diazepam 5mg 3 times a day, bisoprolol, questran, omeprazole...
    That is a highish diazepam dose and may be contributing to the sedation. How long have you been taking it?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  9. #9
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    Re: Quetiapine modified release

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Being unable to pin down which med is responsible for a side-effect is definitely a potential problem when starting more than one med at a time. But you need to balance this against delaying getting the narcolepsy under control. It comes down to how much the narcolepsy is effective your life. If a serious issue does arise you can always stop the modafinil. It has a fairly short half-life, 12-15 hours, so stopping it should alleviate an side-effect/s within a day.

    yes the narcolepsy is quite bad and it’s taken years to get the proper diagnosis and medication so I wanted to try it pretty quick but as I’ve just started the quetiapine I thought it best to start one med at a time as I said as I wouldn’t know which one was causing any side effects. Do you think as the quetiapine is modified release it would Interfere with how the modafinil works? Do you think I should add the modafinil now? As I’ve heard sometimes it’s quite helpful with depression and that so maybe I wouldn’t need a higher dose on the quetiapine, or do you think I should get on a good dose of quetiapine and then start?

    That is a highish diazepam dose and may be contributing to the sedation. How long have you been taking it?
    I know that is classed as highish dose now but when I started many years ago I was on 50mg of diazepam... I came off that and a few years ago was put on 20mg I said to psychiatrist I can manage with it just 3 times a day. But I have an agreement with my psychiatrist I don’t have to take 3 a day. As I’m agoraphobic sometimes I need to go on further journeys and so if some days I’ve only taken 1 or diazepam then I have some left over and use them for if I have a stressful day or a journey far from home. I did come off diazepam and cocodamol to see in my sleep studies if it was sedating me and it’s not. Also when I have sedation at hospital like when I had an endoscopy I don’t get sedated I go the opposite same with the diazepam if I take a few at a time I go hyper as if I have taken a drug like amphetamine type drug,I even had a double dose of sedation into vein and my 3 diazepam and I was up chatting and doing thing for hours after it didn’t sedate me at all I remember everything in the room having the endoscopies and I’ve had a few now n happens each time.

  10. #10
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    Re: Quetiapine modified release

    Sorry half my answer is in the quote bit of what you said some how. I’m not very good at using the right things on here nothing seems to come out right. So yes the modafinil bit is in with your bit of writing ����*♀️

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