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Thread: Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

    I was reading earlier today about the 1939 film 'Gone With The Wind' being deleted (from Netflix I think?) due to its racially sensitive content, especially during the current climate.

    I am kind of on the fence over this, as one half of me agrees with its deletion, but the other half of me wonders as to whether it may be a slight over-reaction, given it's a 'product of it's time' and should be viewed and interpreted within the context of it's era.

    I also get a bit miffed when people get indignant over, say, the 1987 festive hit 'Fairytale Of New York' almost every Christmas because it contains a 'slur' that is also the name of a well-known and much-loved English meat dish from Mr. Brains, which ironically continues to be sold in supermarkets all over the country on a daily basis seemingly without anyone even giving it a second thought, yet most people don't even seem to bat an eyelid over a lot of stuff in the charts and on post-watershed TV over the past 20 years or so that is constantly littered with F and C-bombs and, depicting/referencing violence and aggression (e.g, Eminem, and a lot of the more recent drill-rap stuff), and seemingly no calls to ban them.

    Yet people still get their knickers in a twist over the content of a lot of material produced before the 90s, most of which IMO, is pretty tame compared to a lot of stuff that has come since then. I really don't get it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

    I have a tough time with this one, too. I don't really know what the right answer is. Although I see a benefit to eliminated confederate flags and statutes, I think movies and other cultural references fall into a different category. I feel like it's actually really important to remember our past and how we treated people so that we understand what needs to change. I watched the Disney Peter Pan with my daughter a few months ago and when they all started singing, "what makes the red man red," I was *horrified*. But, part of that horror was one more reminder of what we need to stop being like that. I'm white, though, so I'm not sure if others feel the same. Content like that is offensive but not directly to me, which I'm sure paints my reaction to it.

  3. #3
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    Re: Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

    Its like Looney Tunes taking away Elmer Fudd's shotgun. Why? It always backfired on him anyway I understand the background reasons but c'mon, its a classic cartoon! How can you hunt 'wabbits' with a sickle?

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

    As a whole, we've become more socially conscious as the years pass which is good as people are people despite our difference. Some countries have become far more multicultural which has helped the process. The same with sexism.
    Films and movies are a record of our past, a reflection of the time, so that's why we can react so strongly to them because our attitudes have changed.

    Yep the old cartoon are still as funny as ever, Road Runner is my fav but I don't see it as man trying to destroy the chaparral bird as it's based in fantasy, Roadrunner always wins the day anyway Wacky Races is another fav of mine with Dick Dastardly and Muttley

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by WiseMonkey View Post
    Wacky Races is another fav of mine with Dick Dastardly and Muttley
    I have a T-shirt for Dick Dastardly Motor Mechanics - "fairly reliable" !!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

    Now they're talking about retheming Splash Mountain at Disneyland and Walt Disney World because of its connection with Song of the South. But, seriously, I get the feeling that pretending Uncle Remus never existed would be so much worse.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2020

    Re: Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

    Now it's statues and monuments.

  8. #8
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    Re: Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

    I actually think it's probably appropriate to take down Confederate statutes and monuments, and I say that as someone with a huge number of Confederate ancestors. But, they lost a war against the United States that almost tore the nation apart, so I think it makes plenty of sense to not venerate them. I totally recognize that the Civil War was about a lot more than just slavery and that states rights are really important, but I think it's kind of silly to maintain this veneration for Confederate generals and the Confederate flag.

    My dad and I have done a ton of work on our genealogy. My ancestors came to North America from England in the 1600s and set up shop both in what became Virginia and also in the Caribbean. They have a long and sordid past as not just slave owners. They were deeply entrenched in the slave trade across the continent. Many of them were also integral parts of formation of the United States as representatives at the Continental Congress, Generals in the American Revolution, and high ranking government officials in the Washington, Jefferson, and Adams administrations. I have a lot of pride in my family's past as builders of a new way of life, but also have had to grapple with the less than glorious (and in some cases downright heinous) parts of their lives.

    I think this is really America's story - finding a way to balance pride in our history while still being able to recognize our wrong doing for what it was. This means, I think, holding on to things you value in your past while not building literal monuments to the darker pieces of your story. I think Americans have this insecurity about our past. We are sold such a mystical story about our founding that when we grow up and learn more details about it it feels really uncomfortable. Instead of admitting we're not perfect, we double down on the myth.

  9. #9
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    Re: Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

    This has nothing to do with racial equality or justice of any kind. Blacks are being used as proxy warriors to spread anarchy so that order could be created out of chaos. Now, they're planning a Charlottesville type of false flag in Britain which will lead to racial violence and further tension. Both sides are being manipulated and controlled, BLM is funded by George Soros. This won't end well for black people, their culture has already been subverted through Gangsta rap which glorifies drugs, violence and crime. Rioting and destroying a few statues won't improve their socioeconomic situation in the long term.

  10. #10
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    Mar 2014

    Re: Outrage over historical films, TV shows, songs, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    I actually think it's probably appropriate to take down Confederate statutes and monuments, and I say that as someone with a huge number of Confederate ancestors. But, they lost a war against the United States that almost tore the nation apart, so I think it makes plenty of sense to not venerate them. I totally recognize that the Civil War was about a lot more than just slavery and that states rights are really important, but I think it's kind of silly to maintain this veneration for Confederate generals and the Confederate flag.

    My dad and I have done a ton of work on our genealogy. My ancestors came to North America from England in the 1600s and set up shop both in what became Virginia and also in the Caribbean. They have a long and sordid past as not just slave owners. They were deeply entrenched in the slave trade across the continent. Many of them were also integral parts of formation of the United States as representatives at the Continental Congress, Generals in the American Revolution, and high ranking government officials in the Washington, Jefferson, and Adams administrations. I have a lot of pride in my family's past as builders of a new way of life, but also have had to grapple with the less than glorious (and in some cases downright heinous) parts of their lives.

    I think this is really America's story - finding a way to balance pride in our history while still being able to recognize our wrong doing for what it was. This means, I think, holding on to things you value in your past while not building literal monuments to the darker pieces of your story. I think Americans have this insecurity about our past. We are sold such a mystical story about our founding that when we grow up and learn more details about it it feels really uncomfortable. Instead of admitting we're not perfect, we double down on the myth.
    I agree. I think those in the slave trade should be removed however I don't think it should be expanded out into colonialism and empire because they were all like that! The more you go back in history the more xenophobic and racist we all were. The world was built on conquest and all skin colours were enslaved by conquering nations and their resources pilfered. That's just how it was.

    Black slavery is recent in our history and we are at a point in our own history where people are able to voice their opinions. In future centuries this won't be the same and maybe those generations won't think much of it if we have moved on?

    But if purifying is the answer they had better start pulling down every portrait and statue going because I think they will struggle not to find bigoted attitudes in history. Go back even further and our father's were raping & pillaging swinging axes into each other's faces on battlefields.
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