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Thread: Breaking the Google addiction

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Breaking the Google addiction

    Update on my tests.

    1. MRI was okay, but GP wants me to see a neurologist to be sure.
    2. Skin cancer check was all clear

    Next up, mammogram on Monday.

    Still feeling reasonably calm with my new focus on being able to manage whatever happens, rather than fearing it will happen.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Breaking the Google addiction

    Did the diagnostic report from radiology on the MRI advise a referral to neurology? What does OK mean?

    I'm sorry you haven't been able to draw a line under this but at least the skin cancer check gives you reassurance.

    For me once the tests are underway there is no going back and I feel better for actually taking action and knowing that I will deal with whatever happens because there is no choice in the matter. It's so much better than relying on Dr Google. You are taking control and these are your tests which can only be interpreted accurately by your doctors.

    Well done, Carrie x

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Breaking the Google addiction

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Did the diagnostic report from radiology on the MRI advise a referral to neurology? What does OK mean?

    I'm sorry you haven't been able to draw a line under this but at least the skin cancer check gives you reassurance.

    For me once the tests are underway there is no going back and I feel better for actually taking action and knowing that I will deal with whatever happens because there is no choice in the matter. It's so much better than relying on Dr Google. You are taking control and these are your tests which can only be interpreted accurately by your doctors.

    Well done, Carrie x
    Pulisa the GP said she wanted the neurologist to review based on my history of having an episode of optic nerve inflammation.

    She gave me the referral to the neurologist and it includes the MRI report. In the conclusion it says "No intercranial abnormality", but in the findings, at the end of saying everything was normal it also says "There is stenosis".

    Because she said there was nothing of concern in the report, I was curious about what this was and....Googled.

    Of course it is not good. It means a narrowing of an artery in the brain which can lead to stroke.

    I'm seeing her again on Wednesday so will ask her about it then. She didn't mention it in the referral letter, just said No intercranial abnormality, so hopefully it's not too bad.

    Meanwhile I've learned another valuable lesson in why Googling anything health related is a very bad idea.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Breaking the Google addiction

    Thanks for explaining , Carrie and it was a huge test re the urge to Google. The GP shouldn't have given you the written report of the MRI scan in view of your HA in my opinion. She said there was nothing of concern in the report and should have left it to the neurologist to follow up on the stenosis issue if anything in fact does need further investigation..and if it's even a significant finding? Google will always give you a worst case scenario situation but you know this only too well.

    You have no intercranial abnormality which is a pretty good thing to know in view of the optic nerve inflammation. Please don't latch onto other "possibilities" before you have seen the neurologist who will be able to clarify everything for you?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Breaking the Google addiction

    My neuro appointment is in 4 weeks and I'm seeing my GP again on Wednesday to ask her about the stenosis. I'm trying to stay calm until then. The upside is I've hardly thought about my mammogram on Monday!
    Last edited by carriewriting; 20-06-20 at 13:29.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Breaking the Google addiction

    Good luck for the mammogram, carrie and I hope you get some feedback straight afterwards. It must have been a long weekend for you but every day is a day nearer to having some clarity and a valid professional opinion on all the issues you are worried about.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Breaking the Google addiction

    Hello, a little update. I had the mammogram on Monday and after a few hairy moments all they found was a simple cyst. I saw my GP this morning and we talked about how to manage my breast cancer fear. She said she will take over examining them for now until I do some more work with my therapist.

    Then I asked her about the stenosis in the brain MRI report and she read the report again and said she thought it was a typo. She'd read it as "no stenosis". She rang the radiologist who confirmed and apologised!! Seriously of all the people for it to happen to. You have to laugh. In good news he said he didn't use contrast because my brain looks absolutely normal and what he could see of the optic nerve also looked normal.

    So I've been able to cross a few more fears off my list. I've got the neurologist in 4 weeks and hopefully can close the book on this episode then.

    In the meantime, I'm continuing to focus on not Googling anything to do with health! Thanks for all you support. I really appreciate it.
    Last edited by carriewriting; 24-06-20 at 02:50.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Breaking the Google addiction

    What a difference a simple "no" would have made!!! I'm so sorry you've had this "typo" with a capital T to deal with but what good news about the actual results and you've had the true picture from the radiologist's mouth and not your GP's interpretation of the report.

    Keep up the good work re Googling! You've got through so much over the last few weeks..Make Dr Google redundant and rely on your own instincts and a GP who is prepared to acknowledge what is your HA and what actually needs investigating further?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Breaking the Google addiction

    Checking in to keep myself accountable to not Google. I've been trying to keep busy, but my health anxiety has been pretty constant. A lot of my fears now are from things I've Googled in the past. Too many scary stories of missed diagnosis or worst case scenarios. It's made me more determined than ever to not let anymore of them get into my head.

    I'm also in a bit of a pickle about a spot on my arm. I've had lots and lots of solar keratosis burnt off my forearms over the years - the joys of Irish ancestry and I know that anything raised or with a crust needs to be looked at.

    My pickle is that I've been to the dermatologist twice in the last 6 weeks about suspect spots (different to this one) that were nothing, however I really do think this one needs looking at, but I feel embarrassed going back again. Even the receptionist last time was like "you were only here last month". Oh well, I guess I'll have to suck it up and get it sorted.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Breaking the Google addiction

    Maybe it doesn't need sorting? Has there been any significant change in appearance?

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