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Thread: Is there anyone on day 11 fluoxetine?

  1. #1

    Is there anyone on day 11 fluoxetine?

    Hello no more panic people - could really do with someone who is going through taking these tablets at roughly the same stage as me as I’m fed up of being on my own with the antidepressant merry go round. If there’s anyone that’s just starting out or onto the second week - it would be greatly appreciated to hear from you. I’ve been on mirtazipine and that just made me feel like a zombie for months with incredibly weird muscle aches - venlafaxine was insane - I’ve never felt despair like it and so I’m now on fluoxetine 20 mg and just want some encouragement from fellow fluoxetine takers please. Sorry for the long rambling sentences and thank you for reading my post

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Is there anyone on day 11 fluoxetine?

    Quote Originally Posted by Deedee33 View Post
    I’ve never felt despair like it and so I’m now on fluoxetine 20 mg
    Where you switched to 20mg fluoxetine directly from venlafaxine, or was there a washout period between?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3

    Re: Is there anyone on day 11 fluoxetine?

    Thank you so much for replying - I’ve read a few of your other posts and they have been brilliant to read. My doctor put me straight onto fluoxetine without a break. Been really struggling today as I’m just really not coping with the side effects. I take it at 9 am with breakfast, then around 1 pm I get - and this sounds really strange - but shakes and then a surge feeling that then triggers a massive sense of dread and then it continues for about an hour - I’ve also been experiencing severe panic attacks - worse than I have had in years and also sweating. Haven’t left the house in a week - just starting to feel like I’m trying to push through but constantly thinking that antidepressants don’t agree with me. Thank you once again for your response

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Is there anyone on day 11 fluoxetine?

    Quote Originally Posted by Deedee33 View Post
    My doctor put me straight onto fluoxetine without a break. Been really struggling today as I’m just really not coping with the side effects. I take it at 9 am with breakfast, then around 1 pm I get - and this sounds really strange - but shakes and then a surge feeling that then triggers a massive sense of dread and then it continues for about an hour - I’ve also been experiencing severe panic attacks - worse than I have had in years and also sweating. Haven’t left the house in a week - just starting to feel like I’m trying to push through but constantly thinking that antidepressants don’t agree with me.
    Unfortunately, the biggest problem with ADs is they can make things much worse before they make life better. I suggest you discuss these side-effects with your GP asap as they are ways of at least moderating them if not blocking them entirely. White-knuckling through the symptoms is counter-productive as it just reinforces the anxiety.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #5

    Re: Is there anyone on day 11 fluoxetine?

    Thank you panic_down_under you are incredibly informative and really helpful

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Is there anyone on day 11 fluoxetine?

    Hi Deedee
    I'm not at the same point as you with the medication but I just wanted to drop you a little note of encouragement.
    I had all of those side effects that you have. The meds made me feel worse before I felt better. That feeling of despair is just the worst. There were days when I thought I couldn't cope with it anymore but I did. It really helped me to read through this forum especially the timetable. I read that from the start a few times! It kept me going.
    It was pretty much spot on for me.
    I'm now feeling so much better. I'm back to work as of last week and I'm so glad I kept on with the meds.
    Ive been taking 40mg since the end of January.
    Give yourself some time and just know that better days are coming. Take heart in that the side effects are the meds working.

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