
Back in late January of this year I was eating at a seafood restaurant and at some point it felt like food or a piece of fish bone got stock down my throat or went the wrong way. 3 days after I went to see an ENT dr who stuck a scope down my throat with a camera and was able to inspect down to my vocal chords. Couldnt find anything other than irritation.

It did eventually get better, and I even forgot about it for a few months.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago (June) and it came back. It started after a sneezing fit mixed with coughin due to allergies i think. Now it feels like something is stuck again, and its particularly bad when drinking water, or non carbonated beverages, not so much with food.

Also, since this came back again (couple of weeks now) ive had bad breath, and sometimes a foul taste, i know, nasty. Comes and goes. Also my voice is graspy, and sometimes feels like im about to lose my voice. Particularly after speaking for a while (normal volume, and usually does not happen to me).

Due to covid is really difficult to see a gp, and I am freaking out. I will try to see him at some point, but even still that will take several weeks. Has anybody had a similat issue? Does this sound concerning at all? I am very concerned. I do have HA issues, and always jump to the worse conclusion. I guess I am
Looking for reasurance. Anything. Thank you!
