As many may know, i work in a health/care home setting. Today was the first time since MARCH we were allowed to have outside visitors for the residents!! Of course, we have strict rules to follow and such. Following Irish guidelinesset by the government. As many residents have health issues so we have to be very careful with bringing in people but oh I was in total tears today. It was a joy, getting to see families get to see their loved one again after everything. It's been stressful, ive faced alot of hard times during this as have many in this type of work.

I know it may not be alot but it just made me feel so joyed today. We a sister nursing home, between the two buildings we have over 85% of the residents sick but thankfully....we've lost none. It's been a battle to keep everyone as healthy as possible but we're fighting on. There is a long road ahead but we've come this far together and as my manged says we'll all reach the end together.

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