I've been complaining of various symptoms since March to my GP.. it was all anxiety, so they said. I've been getting awful chest and tummy pains, reflux, bad radiating indigestion etc etc. Anyways the dr tested me for h plyori infection & it was positive, so she thinks this is the cause of my problems.

I have a phobia of tablets/medications and I've now got to take 3x antibiotics and 1x lansoprazole AM and PM for a week. So an extra 8 pills a day, 10 in total for me and it's making me feel very anxious. I did manage all AM pills today barring one Amoxicillin as I didn't realise I needed to take 2.

I googled for experiences, what to expect.. it's people just moaning their treatment didn't work etc. But then I realised most people just leave reviews etc to complain.. was wondering if anyone here could share their experience with h plyori and treatment? How long improvement took etc. I'm going to try my hardest to persevere as my symptoms have been hard to live with.